
Where can I find information on code blocks?

Does anyone know a good website that summarises what you can do with code blocks (i.e. <% <%= <%# etc) in ASP.Net? Thanks. ...

TinyMCE + Wrapping code snippets

Is there a tinymce plugin that wraps text within the tag? Something similar to the formatting option from the WYSIWYG of SO ...

how to make a c/c++ program run in code blocks ide?

i want to run a c program in code blocks ide but not able install the compiler to run . How to do it ? ...

Opening Code Blocks project file (.cbp) in Visual Studio 2008

I'm switching over to Visual Studio 2008 from Code Blocks. I have a project written in Code Blocks, and I'd like to manage it in Visual Studio. The problem is that the project file for the program is in the .cbp file format. Is there any way to get this working in Visual Studio? ...

Why does Code::Blocks constantly changes my language?

On my there are two set languages, which are English and Russian, and English is the default set language. Yet every time I leave Code::Blocks and click on the window again, the program automatically changes the language to Russian, which not only is it annoying, but it doesn't make much sense. Does anyone have any idea why it's going o...

Compiled Code::Blocks from source: Templates missing

Hi, I just compiled the latest Code::Blocks 10.05, but the template select screen is empty, what did I do wrong? When installing from repo, I can see the templates and start a new project. It seems most parts are missing, even though I configured with --with-contrib-plugins=all. What did I do wrong? ...

Linux: automatic backup on save of changed file

Is there any way/SW-tool that can be used to monitor a directory for changes to files and then either back it up to a unique file or to a version control system? Reason: I'm using Code::Blocks and get carried away editing/testing/changing and occasionally (@#$%!) would want/need to revert/recover a previous bit of code. I want the backu...