
CodeRush Xpress Colors

I downloaded the free CodeRush Xpress version to try it. Is there a way to change the colors it uses for it's highlighting and line drawing? ie the matching braces. I have a dark color scheme and my monitor I have VS on must suck because I can't see the lines. Yet on the LCD I can. Is there a way to change the colors? ...

How to install CodeRush Xpress on VS2005

I know that CodeRush Xpress is intended to be used on VS 2008 and not on VS 2005. But since I can't migrate to VS2008 yet, I want to install it on VS2005 and don't care it's not supposed to work. My base assumption is that it can be done, this is based on the fact that the rest of the free re factoring products from DevExpress do work o...

Type of window

The CodeRush file search tool "Quick File Navigation" looks pretty similar to a regular "Find" window. What type of window/form is that? How do we create such windows that stay within the VS IDE (MDI I guess)? ...

Visual Studio Format entire file?

Is there a way to issue a key command to properly format an entire file in VS2008 with CodeRush Express? ...

Can I use CodeRush Xpress in Visual Studio 2010?

I've installed the Beta 1 of Visual Studio 2010, and started working a little. Even though I haven't been using CodeRush Xpress for long in Visual Studio 2008, I immediately started missing some of the neat functionality. Is there any way to install CodeRush Xpress on Visual Studio 2010, even though it's only the Beta yet? ...

CodeRush Xpress: disable the locator carets?

I want to disable the "locator carets" put down by CodeRush when i execute one of it's commands, how can i do it? ...

Disable CodeRush

I don't want to uninstall code rush. I just want to have the chance ti turn it off when I dont want it. Is this possible? (express version)... ...

CodeRush XPress | Code Intelliassist Shortcut

Hi, I've installed coderush and wanted to refactor my code. I also tried to do some things they did in the introduction video. But the only way I get into the coderush intelliassist is the right-click context menu in the editor. Can you help me to change the short cut? By default the short cut should be CTRL + ' I'm using Windows 7 Pro...

Visual Studio 2010 IntelliSense doesn't select a default value - it just marks it

I have a pretty annoying problem with the IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2010: Every now and then (but not always - just out of my control) the Intellisense engine chooses to "mark" an option, instead of actually selecting it. This means that instead of typing e n Enter to access the default option starting with "En...", I have to type e...

Experience with Coderush XPress and Visual Studio 2010?

It is possible to use CRX with VS 2010: Refactor Key works. (After assigning the shortcut) What doesn't work is QuickNav and QuickFileNav. The Standard Shourtcut for QuickFileNav is CTRL+ALT+F, which is conflicted with VS View.F#Interactive. ...

CodeRush' XPress solution cache getting a bit big (4.5Gb)

...any ideas how to stop it from growing? Our IT services has placed a cap on profile size anmd now we're getting annoying audit messages. Normally I'd blame IT servcies for their 'One size fits all, treating developers like they were drones from sector 7G' attitude but 4.5GB is a bit on the big size. Give how clever those chaps at De...

Why are my arrow keys getting stuck? CodeRush/VS2010

I have VS2010 and CodeRush Express installed on my machine. Occasionally I am hitting some key combination (inadvertently, don't know what I am hitting) that is causing my up/down arrow keys to get "stuck", they stop moving the cursor up and down. Restarting the dev env fixes the problem. ...

keyboard shortcut for viewing/applying available refactorings

I just installed CodeRush Express and was wondering is there any keyboard shortcut for viewing/applying available refactorings. Currently I have to click on the small underline/underscore to get the available refactorings. ...

Coderush Xpress commercial using

Can I use Xpress free version of Coderush in commercial work or this version is recommended for learning solutions? ...