
ColdFusion Session issue - multiple users behind one proxy IP -- cftoken and cfid seems to be shared

Hi Everyone, I have an application that uses coldfusion's session management (instead of the J2EE) session management. We have one client, who has recently switched their company's traffic to us to come viaa proxy server in their network. So, to our Coldfusion server, it appears that all traffic is coming from this one IP Address, f...

How to sort an array of structs in ColdFusion

I have an array of structs in ColdFusion. I'd like to sort this array based on one of the attributes in the structs. How can I achieve this? I've found the StructSort function, but it takes a structure and I have an array. If this is not possible purely in ColdFusion, is it possible in Java somehow (maybe using Arrays.sort(Object[], Co...

Getting the last backslash in a filepath via regex

Given a file path such as: \\server\folder_A\folder_B\etc\ I need a regex that'll give me the last backslash so I can extract the actual file name. My attempt of "$\\" is not returning anything. I'm using coldfusion. Suggestions...? ...

ColdFusion 8 Slow Performance

We have started a new CF8 app and it is running dog slow. A test where we go around ColdFusion (queries within a database utility) show normal speed (80ms). CF8 returns the same query in something like 60 to 80 seconds! I have been looking online and seeing lots of posts about CF8 and performance problems, but don't get any overall se...

cfdiv working in FF and Safari but does not show up in IE

Within a form I have a button that launches a cfwindow, then presents a search screen for the user to make a selection. Once selection is made, the cfwindow closes and the selected content shows in the main page by being bound to a cfdiv. This all works fine in FF but the cfdiv doesn't show at all in IE. In IE, the cfwindow works, the se...

Dual slider control with custom skin

Hi All, I'm currently trying to create a page for users to select two points from a range, using a slide control. The first point in the range is when an alert will be sent to the user, the second point is a max limit. What I would like to do is have the bar colored green from the 0 point to the first slider point, then orange between t...

jQuery autopopulate select drop down from JSON issues

I have an issue regarding to auto populating a select dropdown from jQuery/JSON data which is return from a ColdFusion CFC, the code is below: $(function(){ $("#licences-add").dialog({autoOpen:false,modal:true,title:'Add Licences',height:250,width:380}); }); function openAddLicence(intInstanceID,szName,szDatasourceName){ $.getJSON('/...

POST serialized JSON object to a Coldfusion remote method instead of using FORM

I have javascript object which consists of complex array of structures with nested structures of other javascript objects created dynamicaly on page etc. long story. I can't use form since my vars would be like 2_34_x_y_foo_bar_235423 due to the nature of UI. When I send that stringified object using GET .ajax request to a remote cfc me...

Change content based on season with ColdFusion

For ColdFusion I would like to use a cfswitch statement to have different code for each season of the year. For example to display <p>Winter</p> for winter and <p>Summer</p> for summer, etc. What is the best approach to achieve this? ...

ColdFusion static key/value list?

I have a database table that is a dictionary of defined terms -- key, value. I want to load the dictionary in the application scope from the database, and keep it there for performance (it doesn't change). I gather this is probably some sort of "struct," but I'm extremely new to ColdFusion (helping out another team). Then, I'd like to ...

ColdFusion 8 CFGRID - Headers not aligned with columns

CF8 - I have a CFGRID of type HTML where there are 5 data columns and the headers progressively are off from the data column..the first one lines up, the second one is off by about 2 px to the left of the data, the third one is off by about 4 px, the fifth one is off by about 6 px...cannot get the headers to sit exactly over the columns....

Find who's calling the method

Hi, I'd like to somehow find out which CFC is calling my method. I have a logging CFC which is called by many different CFC's. On this logging CFC there's a need to store which CFC called for the log. Whilst I could simply pass the CFC name as an argument to my log.cfc, I find this to be a repetitive task, that might not be necessary, ...

Stuck with Regular Expression code to apply HTML tag to text but exclude if inside <?> tag

Hi there. I'm trying to write a bit of regex which would go through some text, written by our Editors, and apply an <acronym> tag to the first instance it finds of an abbreviation set we hold in our "Glossary of Terms". So for this example I've used the abbreviation ITS. 1st thing I thought I'd do is setup an example with a mix of sc...

Consume WCF service from Coldfusion 7

I am trying to figure out a way to consume a WCF service I have (wsdl) from Coldfusion. I need to pass values in the request header. I can't seem to find any good examples anywhere. Anyone? ...

Query Results Differ In SQL Mgmt and CFQuery

executing the following query in SQL management studio provides results, whereas it does not via cfquery... select distinct locationid, locationname, locationaliasname from vwLocationsWithAlias where 1 = 0 or (LocationName = N'the' or LocationAliasName = N'the') or (LocationName = N'the republic' or LocationAliasName = N'the republic') ...

Coldfusion Report Builder - How can you set different datasources externally between prod/staging/dev?

Coldfusion Report Builder is great. One small issue. We use ANT+CFANT to deploy. When we create the report, say in a datasource called MyApp_dev on a dev box. Our other server is the production server. It also contains a staging build to ensure everything is going smoothly before we publish to live. (thanks to Al Everett for bringi...

ColdFusion blank page in IE7 on refresh?

I'm new to ColdFusion, have a very basic problem that's really slowing me down. I'm making edits in a text editor and refreshing the page in web browsers for testing. Standard web dev stuff, no browser-sniffing, redirection, or other weirdness, and no proxies involved. When I refresh the page in Chrome or Firefox, everything works fine...

Relative Dates in ColdFusion

Looking for a function like this in ColdFusion, allowing me to show dates as "10 minutes ago" or "2 days ago" or "a month ago". ...

Passing a Table Valued parameter to a stored procedure

Here's an example of how to use table-valued parameters in a SQL Server 2008 stored procedure using .NET. And here's the list of parameter types in CF9. Q: Is it possible for ColdFusion to pass a table-valued parameter to a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 stored procedure? ...

Why is my ColdFusion page returning a blank page to search engines?

I've done plenty of ASP.NET and PHP development, but I'm less familiar with how to track this sort of thing down in CF. My naive first angle of attack was to search for any reference to Google in any of the source code. No luck. I'm running the site on IIS7. Google, Bing and Yahoo all apparently "see" nothing on my site. Update: I ...