
Adobe Color Profiles/Color Spaces, how is it possible that this works?

I'm learning about Color Profiles/Color Spaces/Monitor Color Management Profiles and I was just wondering how any of that justified considering the fact that I could throw the entire color anything off by adjusting the brightness and contrast of my monitor? Additionally there are things like lighting in the place where your monitor resi...

Tool/Library for finding multiple assigned color profiles of an image other than photoshop?

I read here that when sending an image for print it can have multiple color profiles assigned to it, which will cause a difference in color between what is displayed on your monitor and what is printed on your printer. I was wondering if there were any tools and or libraries that can detect what "stacked" color profiles have been assi...

Is the following image tool accurate to display an images actual ICC color profile?

Does the following tool accurately display a submitted images color profile? Note this question is extended from here. ...

Generate colour palette from an image

Just for fun I've been looking at how to use the GD library to create a colour palette from an image. So far I've used GD to resize a user uploaded image to an appropriate size for displaying on a webpage. Now I'd like to be able to get about five or so different colours from the image that represent the range of colours present in it. ...