
Colorbox does not refresh its contents when I change URL

I am trying to make use of Colorbox on my webpage. One specific feature does not work as expected, though. In their example (Outside Webpage - Iframe specifically) Google appears in the Colorbox when clicked. When you change href on that link (Using Firebug or JavaScript, e.g.) to, let's say, Yahoo, it works as expected and Yahoo is dis...

C# & Session Variables to iFrames

I am currently in C# and I have set Session variables on each page. The link to my Colorbox is in the MasterPage, and on click opens up in> an iframe from a different page in a different folder i.e. /admin/deals.aspx <-- iframed page in colorbox which needs SESSION /default.aspx <-- page with set SESSION Is there a way I can pass th...

Programmatically change the width/height of ColorBox onClick.

Hi, I'm using the jquery plugin ColorBox. I have a page with several item listings. Each listing has a ColorBox attached to it. $("a.modalButton").each(function(){ $(this).colorbox({ width:"933px", height:"720px", iframe:true, onComplete:function(){ //remove the text from the close ...

Submitting from from Colorbox iframe to parent window

I'm pretty new to colorbox and lovin-it. I've been trying to submit a form from Colorbox iframe to parent window but haven't had any luck. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Here's my code. $('#CustomizeBuy').click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); $(this).attr('action','customize-order.cfm'); pa...

How can I link directly to colorbox from an external link?

I have built a portfolio webpage that uses colorbox to display images. I want to be able to link directly to the colorbox on that page from an external link sent to people. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can achieve this? ...

Display a "Waiting Message" before the POST form send

I have a upload file form, when you hit Submit it send the file to my server, but it takes a while, in the mean time i need to tell the user wait in order to get the file uploaded, because he can press Submit again because there is no menssage to prevent him. So, the user fill a few fields in the form, including a file. When he Send the...

Colorbox - removing the close button from a specific window

Hi, I'm using the colorbox plugin to display messages on my web page. One of them is a "wait for response" message, and I don't want the user closing it by himself. I know how to unbind the ESC key, and to disable the overlay close, but I still have a problem with the close button. I found I could remove it in the css like this: #cboxCl...

Sending Back Ajax variable

Hello, I am trying to use jquery to do a client side validation to do a check and return with a error or success. I know how to echo text/html back as the response, but here's what I am trying to do. On Error, send back a message, so the user can re-submit a form. On Success, re-load the page. I am not sure how to get it to send a v...

How to close colorbox within iframe?

First off I am new to Javascripting and ColorBox and have been trying for 4 days now to get this to work. I am sure it is relatively simple, but I just can't seem to get things right. I have a main page which has a link which open a ColorBox using an IFrame to load a PHP page to allow data input. I would like the ColorBox to close onc...

Colorbox make the light box fixed when scrolling.

hi, I working with jquery colorbox. When the page content is big and colorbox is opened. Then the color box scrolled along with the page content. I want the colorbox need to be fixed even the background content scrolls. Please help me out to fix this issue. ...

Colorbox: Show/simulate 'loading' animation for iframe content?

How can I show or simulate (using a fixed timespan) a loading animation for iframe content which is displayed using Colorbox? What I'd like to achieve is actually a temporary overlay over the iframe content, which disappears when the iframe-content is loaded. Is this somewhat possible? ...

Convert jQuery Colorbox to act as a user dialog?

Is there a nice and easy way to have a Colorbox act as a dialog window? I understand there are enough events which can be addressed but I'm unable to construct this in a nifty way... Or are there existing ways to replace the close button with ok/cancel or yes/no or other buttons..? Edit: I need to be able to pass somesort of return func...

jQuery Colorbox background transition effect?

I find the background transition of the jQuery Colorbox very 'hard'. I couldn't find a setting where I can specify a custom transition. Is it possible to create a fade-effect for the background like Nyro Modal has? ...

using colorbox with a captcha

So I'm trying to build a basic voting application. My approach is to have a link that opens up a colorbox with a recaptcha in it. The user fills out the captcha and submits. On the next page (also intended to load into seemingly the same colorbox) I check the captcha and do an insert into my vote tracking table. I then use the callbac...

colorbox in IE8 throwing a wobbly

hi in FF and chrome, safari it is of course totally fine.. IE8 however, in compatability mode or not, doesnt load the overlay over the top (it just sits a t the top, scrolling the content down - although i guess this is because the overlay is at the top of the markup).. and it doesnt show the image im attempting to show , but shrinks the...

Closing a Dialog Box, Opening a New One and it is Grayed out (Colorbox)

$.fn.colorbox({width:"40%", inline:true,href:"#somediv", opacity:"0.50",transition:"none", height:"490px"}); On #somediv above I have a button that once clicked executes the following code: line#45 $.fn.colorbox({href:"", width:"65%",height:"80%",iframe:true}); I see however the overlay is grayed ou...

jQuery: How to reset all element positions on page?

Hey everyone. Let's say I have a bunch of DIVs with a class of "apple", and another bunch of DIVs with a class of "orange". All these DIVs have various positions, but I want to use a jQuery function to assign them new positions relative to their parent containers live on the page without any reloading. So, for example, how do I set al...

How do you make an image opened in colorbox scrollable

I would like my images that I open in colorbox to be displayed fullsize with no resizing applied to them and then apply scrollbars to allow for viewing the larger images. Some of my images are quite tall and things get pixelated when resized down. Currently colorbox just resizes my images down to the size of the available height/width....

jQuery and Colorbox "Is Not A Function"

Hey you lot, I've been working on integrating Colorbox (a lightbox alternative) into a site. Ok, so my head file is: <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></script>- <link type="text/css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" href="../colorbox/colorbox.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" s...

Add jQuery colorbox plugin to a dynamically created element, extra problem.

I saw the answer of a question: Solve part of the problem, works fine, but when I click for second time, it doesn't work. When I try to click for second time an error displays: $.fn.colorbox is not a function. How can i correct that er...