
colorbox (which uses live) not rebinding after jQuery ajax call

I have a list of elements that I am loading via ajax (using jQuery's .load()). Each of these elements has an (edit) link next to it that lightboxes (using colorbox) a little edit form. When the lightbox is closed I use the onClosed callback to reload the ajax list to show and changes made during the edit. The colorbox call looks likes t...

Calling javascript via AS3 externalinterface within a colorbox

I have a swf that opens up inside a colorbox window. When the video finishes playing, I make an externalinterface call to a javascript function to close the colorbox. I'm trying to execute the following AS3 code:'parent.$.fn.colorbox.close()') I can't seem to get this to work. The colorbox won't close. I also ...

jQuery ColorBox as POP UP. No Show Images

Hello Community, I am Using Colorbox for a Pop-Up that loads when the page loads. The Pop Up Calls an ASP page with 1 Image, and 1 Button that launches a Chat Window. I got it to work on my local, but when I go remote the images dont appear (all the file paths are correct it looks like). The functionality is there and you can click on ...

jQuery Tools & Colorbox | Styling change on Exit Colorbox

Hi, I'm facing the following behavior. Click on an image, colorbox opens fine! When closing colorbox either by clicking outside the overlay or by clicking on the 'x' close button then on the carousel items if you notice the div items moves a little bit on the left. This happens only the first ...

Has anybody used any jquery dialog boxes with the colorbox plugin

I want to open a dialog box from inside colorbox. Which dialog plugin works well within colorbox? ...

How can I target a specific lightbox (Colorbox)

Greetings, I need two lightboxes on the same page. I am using Colorbox. One of the lightboxes has an additional button. I have been able to create this button OK dynamically by editing jquery.colorbox. But now i am unsure how to remove this button from the lightbox that doesnt require it. All I need is a hook in the form of an ID on ...

open iframe from another iframe using jquery colorbox

I need to open an iframe (Frame 1) and from frame1 i need to open frame2 using jquery colorbox. I have used the following script from a page to open frame1: function ViewUser(Id) { $.colorbox({ href: '/user/View/' + Id + '?popup=1', iframe: true, width: "100%", height: "100%", title: 'View User', overlayClose: false, escKey: fal...

Using jquery colorbox to unhide a DIV to show password box in the colorbox

Hello I am using colorbox and jquery form ( I am simply stuck on what do next. I am trying to use jquery colorbox to unhide a DIV to show password box in the colorbox. I took out some of the relevant scripts to make the code more readable and increase my chance of receiving help. This is the javascript ...

colorbox close confirmation

$(document).ready(function(){ $('#rest').colorbox(); $("#cboxClose").click(function(){ $.fn.colorbox.close(); }); var cboxClose = $.fn.colorbox.close; $.fn.colorbox.close = function(){ if(confirm("Are you sure?")) { cboxClose(); } } }); this code close my jquery colorbox when i confirm the dialog, but if i click on cancel (!confirm) it...

How do I use colorbox to show hidden divs on my page without hardcoding?

I'm using Colorbox to show the html content of hidden divs on my page. I can get this to work perfectly with the following: $("a.colorbox").colorbox({width:"600px", inline:true, href:"#344"}); This will show the div with the ID of 344. However, because I'm trying to build a scalable and dynamic page with WordPress, I want to be able...

Colorbox -- how to open submitted form in colorbox pop-up?

I have a form on a webpage. When the user enters input into form, and hits Submit, I would like colorbox to pop-up with the results page. Any ideas on how to go about this? I'm thinking that I have to convert the form data into a get string, put that on the end of the url to open, and then send that to colorbox. Is that the right way t...

Ajax call made by jQuery .load function...

The problem is in the difference how browsers implement simple calls. The problem occurs while using colorbox extenstion (facebox variant). Content is loaded into colorbox with jquery load() function. When the call is made by Chrome, Accept header is set to: Accept: text/html, */*, text/javascript In case of FireFox, header looks lik...

Issue applying DD_belatedPNG png fix on images within a lightbox (IE6)

I am trying to invoke the DD_belatedPNG fix on images within a lightbox once it has been called. Okay, so that's easy enough with colorbox: $(el).colorbox({ ... onComplete:function(){ DD_belatedPNG.fix('#product_pop .fixme'); } }); This works fine, and the pngfix is applied BUT it only works the first time the lightbox is ca...

jquery colorbox problem

hi friends i have i am showing some data via ajax on my page when ajax complete and i click on view info the colorbox is not working but i show the data without ajax and i click on the colorbox link its working and opening why javascript is not working when data comes via ajax thanks $.ajax({ url: "remote.php?act=ShowContacts&id="+i...

Colorbox callback on gallery/ grouped photos/ slideshow?

Hi, I have a gallery setup to find the next span, this works, but the gallery navigation(next/previous/imageclick) is not passing the callback. $("a[ rel='gallery']").colorbox({ onLoad:function(){ $(this).next('span').show().prependTo($('#cboxContent')); $('span').addClass("current"); } }); I tried somet...

Can you create a colorbox slideshow for a set of divs?

Hello, So in colorbox photos can be grouped together to form a slideshow, I would like to be able to use divs as the content of the slideshow instead of images. Is that supported? Javascript code: <script> $(document).ready(function () { $("div.colorbox").colorbox({ width: "50%", inline: true,slideshow: true, href: funct...

Click event fired twice

I don't know if this is to do with Raphael, ColorBox or jQuery. Here's my the relevant code: var image = paper.image(p.url_, tx, ty, img.width, img.height); image[0].style.cursor = "pointer"; image.node.onclick = function() { $.colorbox({ title: "Some Random Title", href: function() { $.post("test.php", {...

jQuery Slideshow + Click to Enlarge (LightBox and ColorBox)

Hello! The Question: I would like to use the slide-show I currently have in place BUT with the option of clicking the image to enlarge. Enlarge would use a lightbox (you know, all fancy pants style) Here is the page I am working with as an example: The slide-show is on the ri...

Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin

I'm using the colorbox plugin for modal popups. It's working nicely, but there's a main thing about it that seems wrong. I have a form that pops up, and on submitting (or clicking a link) in the form, this might open another "colorbox" modal. It works smoothly, but there's one thing that bothers me. As it is, colorbox seems to wait unt...

jQuery Cycle Slideshow stops workring with 3+ photos

Hello, I have a slide show with Previous and Next buttons that works fine with 3 <li>'s but once I add a Fourth (or more) the next button and previous button don't show up, and they don't work (even if they were invisible). Any ideas? The Sample Page is: using jQuery Colorb...