
How do I change the title of ColorDialog?

I'm spinning up a ColorDialog component in WinForms to let the user select a particular custom control's chart's background color and foreground color. Both configuration options are on the same page of the configuration dialog, so I want to set the title of the color dialog to "Background Color" when the dialog is brought up to change ...

How do I set the next available custom color in the ColorDialog?

I'm currently coding in A user places the cursor in a table cell and clicks on "Table > Background Color" to edit the current background colour. Currently I have been able to detect the current colour (for instance a light blue) and set that colour in the ColorDialog (Colour swatches are correct and RGB values are correct). Wh...

How do I get the values of the Basic Colors used in the ColorDialog?

I can get the custom colours used in the ColorDialog ( by using myColorDialog.CustomColors, which will return me an array of colours as integer values. Is it possible to get the 48 Basic Colors in a similar way? ...

Freeware Colordialog Control for .Net

Hello, anybody know any .Net freeware control for color selection (color dialog) that supports RGB, HSL and CMYK color models. I'm looking for something like this. Thanks. ...