I'm using color plugin (link to google cache, jquery.com currently off) to handle background color animations.
$(".navigation a").hover(
$(this).stop().animate({backgroundColor: black});
$(this).stop().animate({backgroundColor: green});
Need to hid...
If I have a bottom layer color and an alpha value (C&A) and want to create a custom C&A on the screen, what is the function to determine what C&A has to be added as a layer on top of the bottom layer?
I want to duplicate photoshop's "normal" mode so that I match a designer's graphic design.
For example:
BASE LAYER rgb: 255-0-0 ...
I'm using Perl and the Image::Magick module to process some JPEGs.
I'm using the GetPixels sub to get the RGB components of each pixel.
my @pixels = $img->GetPixels(
width => 1,
height => 1,
x => 0,
y => 0,
map => 'RGB',
#normalize => 1
print Dumper \@pixels;
is there any way to change the background of the magnifying glass of cut/copy selection on iPhone?
I've got white text in a transparent webview and under the webview there is an imageview with a pretty dark image, if I select the text for copy I can't see almost nothing.
Hi again, I'm converting a TYPE_RGB BufferedImage to a TYPE_BYTE_BINARY w/ a custom IndexColorModel 4b size there's no big deal in this just a commom function, the problem that it's taking a real long time to convert. An image with dimensions 680x384 takes something like between 1~2 minutes (and NO, I'm not using a 386DX40 =P). Well I tr...
I want to use a Button in my android app but I want to customize how it looks. However, I want the highlight and selected colors of the button to be the same as the default colors (i.e. the dark and light orange gradients, or whatever the theme color supplies).
Is there anyway to get the default highlight/selected drawables and to ...
I can't use JQuery sadly I need to use good old Javascript.
I have a forum and a black theme and when people use black text on it you can't see it. So I want to use javascript to change all the black text on the page to white when the page loads.
I have a disabled JTextField and due to readability problems i want to make the font black again. So that it looks like its not disabled, but i cant edit it.
any suggestions?
How do I create a RichTextEdit using RIM 4.5 API that contains text with multiple colors?
For example I want to create a RichTextEdit as follows:
The Text is "Hello BB world"
"Hello" should be blue
"BB world" should be red
"BB" should be ITALIC
"Hello" should be BOLD
The main problem is getting colors, not the bold and italic.
I ha...
I'm trying to determine if an image is a simple black and white image, or if it has color (using Java). If it has color, I need to display a warning message to the user that the color will be lost.
Hi friends,
I want to change the navigation color in the TTPhotoviewcontroller using Three20.I have changed the color in the TTPhotoviewcontroller, but the image is doesn't set in that view. If i changed the color, the navigation bar occupies some place and image is not set to the full view.
In TTPhotoViewController.m,
- (id)in...
I'm trying to use one LinearGradientBrush in the Definition of another LinearGradientBrush. But I've no idea weather this would even work, and if it works, I need to know how.
For Example:
<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="ComboBoxFocusBackgroundBrush" EndPoint="0.5,1" StartPoint="0.5,0">
<GradientStop Color="#FFFDEEB3" Off...
I need to produce all 255/256 color variations of a given color, is there some advice to start, or a jQuery lib to use?
Thanks in advance.
I have a (spectrographic profile) data set of Wavelength (x-axis) and Intensity (y-axis, in arbitrary units that can have different ranges...)
I want to convert this numeric data to a graphical view as shown at the bottom of the image below.
But, I've never done anything in Delphi (2010) with Canvas's, TImages, bitmaps, or whatever way...
The default theme on my installation is something which maps the values to pink and cyan. How to change it for example to a gray scale theme?
For my clustering gui, I am currently using random colors for the clusters, since I won't know before hand how many clusters I will end up with.
In python, this looks like:
import random
def randomColor():
return (random.random(),random.random(),random.random())
However, when I update things, the colors change.
So what I would fa...
i m doing color picking for my project, i m working with iphone sdk and my project substantially(for color picking part) load 3d models with texture, the "loader" own an array of objects, those objects are presented with drawView and are updated with redrawView. When i click with mouse on the iphone simulator i just call the method...
Is there an easy way to blend two System.Drawing.Color values? Or do I have to write my own method to take in two colors and combine them?
If I do how might one go about that?
This is the second time I've wanted to do this and again my google-fu has failed me.
When in the course of running a shell script (in my case a bash script) is there a program/script that tests whether the current shell supports color?
Alternatively is there a way to take the terminal type and easily determine if it supports color?
I discovered this while using ruby printf, but it also applies to C's printf.
If you include ANSI colour escape codes in an output string, it messes up the alignment.
ruby-1.9.2-head > printf "%20s\n%20s\n", "\033[32mGreen\033[0m", "Green"
Green # 6 spaces to the left of this one
Green # correctly ...