
how to add NavigationBar with Editbutton on left to the Uitable In Iphone?

Hi, In my iphone application i have added the Uitable view.While launching the application the table is showing the No. of rows which i want.Now i want to add the Navigation bar to the UiTable,also i want to add the edit button on the left side of the navigation bar. How to add the Navigation bar in the UiTable view in iphone?I dont wa...

How to set the activity indicator in the navigation bar?

I am new to iphone development.I want to set an activity indicator in the navigation bar.I see my activity indicator below the navigation bar.My code is here -(IBAction) gomethod : (id) sender { xxMapSubviewcontroller = [[XxMapSubviewcontroller alloc] init]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:xxMapSubviewcontroller animate...

Why are there left/right gaps when I add an image to my navigationBar ?

UIImageView *navBarImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:navBarImage]; [navBarImageView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 44)]; self.navigationItem.titleView = navBarImageView; [navBarImageView release]; I am trying to add an image to my navigationBar, but when I used the code as listed above, it places the image into the navigat...

Where do I change the height of a navigationBar for an iPhone app?

In my applicationDidFinishLaunching I set up a UINavigationController: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] init]; [[navController navigationBar] setFrame:CGRectMake(0.0,0.0,320.0,20.0)]; ... } As you can see, I am trying to make the navigation co...

NavigationBar without UINavigationController

Hi there Is it possible to get a NavigationBar without an UINavigationController? In my case I have an UITableViewController and would like to a NavigationBar. Is that possible? thx ...

Is it possible to modify the Navigation Bar in Visual Studio, or to otherwise add a similar graphical element to the code editor?

I like the grouping and browsability that regions provide in C# code but don't like the manual process of maintaining them (even auto-formatting tools are not perfect as they take awhile for large files), and other developers don't like them at all, so a better solution would be one that is done automatically by the IDE and without touch...

Subview position issue after UIOrientation (rotation) change

I have a viewController and have added a subview in it programatically. secondView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth; [self.view addSubview:secondView]; I guess when the device rotates, my mainViewController knows that orientation changed, but the subview (secondView) inside the mainViewController does ...

How do I change the Color of the Back Button in the Navigation Bar?

Hi, How do I change the color of the back button in iPhone? I have already tried something like this, but it does not work: UIView *customView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 49.0, 30.0)]; customView.backgroundColor=[UIColor blueColor]; UIBarButtonItem *button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView:customV...

actions buttons not being displayed when adding contact

I have TabBar iPhone application that has a UINavigationController that contains a ViewController that has a ABUnknownPersonViewController.view as a subview. When I click on "Create New Contact" or "Add to existing contact", I can see the button items in the animation coming up the screen, but they seem to get hidden beneath the naviga...

setting image to navigation top and ottom bars

i am having rootview controller in my navigationn controller and if i want to set a image to my bottom bar and top bar in my root view controller using programmatically .. how to set it ? plz any bidy help me out ...

iPhone4.0: pushing a navigationController over a TabbarController

Problem: after pushing the UINavigationController to the tabBarController nothing changes. I have a tabbar based app, and it contains a button, that should open up a navigation based page to show images when touched by the user. The code snippet that I used and modified from stackoverflow does not seem to work. Could please someone take...

How to change navigation bar color in TTPhotoviewcontroller using Three20 in iPhone

Hi friends, I want to change the navigation color in the TTPhotoviewcontroller using Three20.I have changed the color in the TTPhotoviewcontroller, but the image is doesn't set in that view. If i changed the color, the navigation bar occupies some place and image is not set to the full view. In TTPhotoViewController.m, - (id)in...

IPhone - Full screen UIScrollView starts right but repositions itself below navigation bar

Hi all, I am currently trying to implement a photo picker just like the Photo App but with a custom image source. For the "photo scrolling" part I used the Apple PhotoScroller sample code and adapted it. One of the main difference is that it is now embedded in a navigation controller (wich is the photoPicker own nav controller, not the ...

Dashcode browser template open link to document

In browser template I have made a button link to a pdf document. When I click on button the document opens but the navigation bar disappears. I don't want to use Safari back button but I want to use only the navigation bar. Sorry for my english. Thanks. ...