
Databinding an enum to a ComboBox in WPF, filtering some of enums

Hello everyone. I need to bind an enum to a combobox that is inside a DataGridTemplateColumn, but only some of the options that the enum has. Example: Enum options: Unknow, One, Two, Three, Four, All Bindable ones: One, Two, Three, Four Any way to do this? Many thanks. Best regards ...

WPF ComboBox binding

Here is peace of the XAML code from my page: <ComboBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="1" Name="Player2" MinWidth="50" ItemsSource="{Binding PlayersTest}" DisplayMemberPath="ShortName"> custom object is binded to the page data context: page.DataContext = new SquadViewModel(); Here is part the source co...

WPF: Making things appear above expanded combobox

Is there any way to make something appear above the popup part of a combobox? Panel.ZIndex doesn't seem to help - the popup part is always displayed above everything else! As an example, if you use the following code, is there any way to make the textblock appear above the popup part of the combobox when it is expanded? <Window x:Clas...

Populate a combo box with one data tabel and save the choice in another.

I have two data tables in a data set for example lets say Servers: | Server | Ip | Users: | Username | Password | Server | and there is a foreign key on users that points to servers. How do I make a combo box that list all of the servers. Then how do I make the selected server in that combo box be saved in the data set in the Server...

RowFilter set on combobox itemsprovider affects all rows

Hi, I have a problem with my project using Infragistics WPF control, but it's more general to WPF, so I am asking the question here. In my grid I have a column with combobox as editor. In XAML, I set DisplayMemberPath and ValuePath in ItemsProvider, so user sees display name, but internally value code is stored in the grid. The proble...

zk combobox databinding

The zk code below only shows on item... I need it to show all elements in tmp. any idea? thanks <zscript> List tmp=Arrays.asList(new String[]{"a","b","c"}); ]]> </zscript> <combobox id="mycb" model="@{tmp}"> <comboitem self="@{each=row}" label="xxx" value="yyy"> </comboitem> </combobox> ...

VB.NET: how to prevent user input in a ComboBox

How do you prevent user input in a ComboBox to that only one of the items in the defined list can be selected by the user? ...

How can I disable the F4 key from showing the items in a ComboBox

You might not know this, but pressing the F4 key on a ComboBox makes it's drop-down item list appear. I believe this is the default behavior on Windows. Does anyone know how to override this behavior in WPF (C#)? I know that overriding default behavior is generally seen as bad practice, however in this case I have a rugged-device that...

How to keep the popup menu of a JComboBox open on populating it ?

I have a JComboBox on my Panel. One of the popup menu items is 'More' and when I click that I fetch more menu items and add them to the existing list. After this, I wish to keep the popup menu open so that the user realizes that more items have been fetched however, the popup closes. The event handler code I am using is as follows publi...

Flex dropdown combobox selected background color?

Hi. Flex is so tricky to style. I have a combobox, when I arrow up and down over a select it has a background color, how do I change this color. This should be easy. ...

Flex ItemRenderer/Editor ComboBox Issue...Puhleezz Help

Hi EveryOne Beginner in Flex ...Even worse with item renderers... Have managed to add a Combobox to a datagrid using a itemEditor... I want to change the options in a combo box depending on the value selected by the user on a previous combo.. In the combo box i want to display a certain value (Model Name ) but for quering a table i'll...

Proper binding data to combobox and handling its events.

Hi guys. I have a table in SQL Server which looks like this: ID Code Name Surname 1 MS Mike Smith 2 JD John Doe 3 UP Unknown Person and so on... Now I want to bind the data from this table into the ComboBox in a way that in the ComboBox I have displayed value from the Code column. I am doing the binding in th...

pygtk combobox 'changed' does not work

I'm using pygtk then i used gtk.Combobox when i try to connect on chenged event its working but when i try to select an item that is already selected the changed method does not triggered since the selection does not changed.. so my question is how to connect the changed event even thought the selection does not changed tnx in advance...

jQuery combobox validation in Firefox 3.6 problem...

Hi guys, I have an awkward problem concerning jQuery validation component working with html select element. This issue is present only on the latest version of Firefox browser (3.6) When I try to click the combobox, the list of available values does not expand... I guess there is some issue with the flow of javascript events... Does an...

Flex : How to set a flex control focusable when it is disabled ?

How to get focus for a disabled flex control. When a flex control is set with enable=false ,the control is not focusable and hence is not read by a screen reader. When a user tab's it should also go to the disabled controls. wanted to know how can we overcome this limitation? ...

Combobox DropDownList and keypress

I have a dropdownlist that holds all of the TimeZone.Displayname All of these display names come out as: (GMT +09:00) Seoul, (GMT -06:00) Central Time (US & Canada), etc. Is there a way to have a keypress event that would search through the first letter after the ")"? Right now it only recognizes the first character of the combobox s...

Comobox event SelectedValueChanged

Hi, i have simple question may be someone asked it before me but i could not find it.Let say i have datatable that has some data from the database and i want to bind it to a combobox i use standart code like this comboBox1.BeginUpdate( ); comboBox1.ValueMember = "id"; comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name"; comboBox1.DataSource = dt; com...

ComboBox Binding inside Dataform Silverlight

Hi, well I have my users table and my department table, so I have in XAML a Datagrid and a Dataform, in my dataform i have a combobox that is filled from the department table (all possible departments), I bind it to the Department attribute from my user, and it shows it. The problem is that when I click the edit button of the dataform th...

Prompt Property on Spark Combox Component in Flex 4

It appears there is no prompt property for the spark Combobox component as there was with the mx version. Anyone have a simple workaround for this or know something I'm just absentmindedly overlooking? Thanks in advance. ...

What is the preferred method of refreshing a combo box when the data changes?

What is the preferred method of refreshing a combo box when the data changes? If a form is open and the combo box data is already loaded, how do you refresh the contents of the combo box without the form having to be closed and reloaded? Do you have to do something on the Click event on the combo box? This would seem to be a potential...