
Vim: good way to setup makeprg=xcodebuild ?

What is the best way to set makeprg=xcodebuild in vim? I'm using filetype line in files to indicate that the file is objective-c (as opposed to matlab or cpp) by setting up the first line of my file to: /* vim: set filetype=objc : */ and having this in vimrc: set modelines=1 I would probably want to use :mak to run this command in...

How to determine if a PHP file is loaded via cron/command line

I need to determine whether the PHP file is being loaded via cron or command line within the code. How can I do this? ...

Printing sub strings from command line arguments, in C.

Why doesn't this work. printf("%s\n", argv[1][3]); When this works? printf("%c\n", argv[1][3]); ...

Getting an input from command-line and passing it to a method

I'm getting a string array from command line and displaying it to user as integer array. What could be the mistake here? import java.lang.String; public class arrayConvert { String strArray[]; public int[] StrArrtoIntArr(String strArray[]) { int intArray[] = new int[strArray.length]; for(int count=0;c...

Batch File XCopy Command

I have a batch file which loops through a content of a text file and copies a specific file using xcopy command. here's the snippet. for /f %%a in (FilesToCopy.txt) do ( xcopy ..\..\Common\%%a Common\%%a /i /d /c /v /s /y /f xcopy Common\%%a ..\..\Common\%%a /i /d /C /v /s /y /f ) %%a contains values like Images\image1.jpg Images\i...

Scorm 1.2 Player: Command Line Launch

Is there a Scorm 1.2 player that can be launched from the command line? I'm looking to integrate the player into a ant script. ...

android command-line

How can i specify command-line parameter when I launch an android application ? 1- With Eclipse 2- Directly from the phone ...

Execute code in .emacs file only for command line version of Emacs?

Hello! I'm running Carbon Emacs on Macs here, and my GUI emacs has an extremely pleasing colour scheme set up to use. Unfortunately, it looks like hell when running "emacs" in a Terminal window, which parses the same .emacs file in my root folder. So, is there a way to conditionally execute code in my .emacs file so that I can select ...

Compile C file without _cplusplus def

I'm trying to compile a C file that contains jni.h. The C code is a wrapper for my Java call to a C method. The code example that I'm trying to compile on my machine received compile errors for jstring and jclass. I believe it is due to Visual Studio cl command compile using the cplusplus option and I cannot get it to reference the co...

Launching an arbitrary executable over a file on Netbeans

We want to add command-line support to Netbeans, as in being able to run any program (using the full path of the current file as the argument) directly from the IDE. The same way you can do it already on Notepad++ with the Run tool. Apparently there is a plugin called VCS Generic Command-Line Support that offers this functionality, but ...

snag colored text command window output

I sometimes run command line code that produces output in colored letters. I would like to somehow find a way to copy that out put and either port it in RTF format or HTML. I did something simular to this once with a windows app that output text in rtf format. I copied it to a windows write program and safted it as rtf and then use a c...

changing to parent directory in unix

in general we use cd .. for going to the parent directory cd ../../ to go to the parents parent directory. and cd ../../../../../ for 5th parent directory. is there any simplified way of doing this? shell i am using is ksh. ...

Source Safe command line command "ss Add"

Hi All, I need to add some files to the VSS through the command line, but I can't figure out how to set the destination project in the VSS? Official description ( doesn’t have any remarks about setting the internal VSS path to add the file. By defaults it uses path which ...

Which command-line editor should be used in Windows 7 to modify settings...

Which command-line editor should be used in Windows 7 to modify settings such as the boot sequence, display order and time out values for multiple operating systems, or Emergency Management Services and boot debugging settings? ...

How to convert a string pointer to a 64bit ( _int64) variable??

As I wrote an app with the function main(int argc, char * argv[]) When i start up the application, I wanna send some parameters like (assume the app name is ffdisk) >ffdisk -f 111123123131321312312123 1 You see the third param maybe an int64 param in my original intention... But in function main, argv[2] is string pointer, so how can...

Command line CSV viewer?

Anyone know of a command-line CSV viewer for Linux/OS X? I'm thinking of something like less but that spaces out the columns in a more readable way. (I'd be fine with opening it with OpenOffice Calc or Excel, but that's way too overpowered for just looking at the data like I need to.) Having horizontal and vertical scrolling would be ...

How to kill the last opened Internet Explorer window using a command?

I'm trying to write a Windows command file to open a webpage in IE, wait for it to load, then close the IE window. The following works but will kill all IE windows so any that were already open before running the .cmd will also get closed. start iexplore.exe "page to load" ping localhost -n 10 > nul taskkill /IM iexplore.exe I only w...

Old-School Windows 2000 Printing, or When is a Port Name a Computer?

A few years back, another clever programmer set up a VB.NET service to print to one of the server's installed printers. The job queried a database table to see if it had any print requests, which specify the file to print and the name of the printer to send it to. The job constructs a 3-part command line incantation and executes it; it...

svn changes my files names

I'm using command line SVN 1.6.5 on my Ubuntu 9.10. This is my first time using it on the latest Ubuntu, I found svn confused about file names. The problem was as follow: I firstly used sudo svn co http://my-repository/h2m h2m after successfully checkout these files, I immediately used svn st and found dean@notebook:~/FAT32/h2m$ s...

Which perl can I use from the Windows command line?

Hi all: Can anyone recommend me a Perl interpreter that can run on Windows command line to read LCOV files (and generate a report of some sort)? I looked at genhtml, and it seems to need a lot of setup and must run in the bash shell environment, which doesn't sound good for Windows command line. Thanks. ...