
Git: Unable to understand why branch (topic) commits/merges are happening on the master branch

Note: I am not sure whether this has been already asked, as I can't find any question fitting to my context(or I am unable to understand the existing questions' contexts') I am loving Git these days. Especially, the topic branches. I am working on a small code sharing application. And I have got (local)branches like "master", "authentic...

How do I see the last 10 commits in reverse-chronoligical order with SVN?

Using the SVN commandline is there a way to show the last X number of commits along with commit messages in revere-chronological order? ...

GIT: List all commits for a specific file

Hi there! Well, the subject says everything. Is there a way to list all commits that changed a specific file? I don't mind if that involves some bash magic, but it'd be way cooler if git already has this feature and I'm just so dumb not to be able to find it anywhere. If anyone can enlighten me on this, domo arigato. Regards, ...