
Is there a standard directory browser dialogue that I can call in MFC that doesn't involve the user having to create directories to specify ones that don't yet exist?

I am working on the bootstrap application of an installer, and I have a dialogue that the user can open to select a different target directory from the given default. Currently, I'm using the CFolderDialog for that, but for the user to select a folder that doesn't yet exist, he has to create the folder first. Once the user has specified ...

How to make CFileDialog synchronize the displayed filename with the selected extension?

We have a class that derives from CFileDialog that overrides the OnTypeChange() method to allow it to change the filename to keep it in synch with the selected extension whenever the user selects a new extension from the filter combobox. (Our filters are set to contain only one extension per filter entry.) Unfortunately, the way we are d...

Is There a Windows Video Codec Common Dialog?

Hi, Does Windows have a common dialog to select video codecs? If there is one, how can I create one in c#? I'm asking because I'm currently developing with a plugin that seems to have included extremely dated codecs, and am not sure if the plugin is simply retrieving a list of codecs from the system. I don't have the source of the plugi...

VB.Net: Looping through all form items, including CommonDialogs

Hello everyone! I'm translating my VB.Net application, and I need to loop through all the controls on my form. Using a recursive function such as Public Sub TranslateControl(ByVal Ctrl As Control) For Each ChildCtrl As Control In Ctrl.Controls ChildCtrl.Text = Translate(ChildCtrl.Text) If TypeOf ChildCtrl Is Label...

How to rename a Network volume's name in WOW64 Apps' Common File Dialog

I'm developing a network redirector like SMB. Once a volume has been connected, I create 4 registry keys to following nodes. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\#UNCPATH HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\##UNCPATH HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\M...

On what platforms will m_ofn members be valid?

According to this, some members (specifically the one I am interested in is the initial directory member lpstrInitialDir is not supported on Vista. It is important for me to know if it is supported on 2008 and Windows7 - the docs are silent on that. One can either assume since those are not mentioned that it will work, or since they ...