
Why is my image coming out garbled?

I've got some Java code using a servlet and Apache Commons FileUpload to upload a file to a set directory. It's working fine for character data (e.g. text files) but image files are coming out garbled. I can open them but the image doesn't look like it should. Here's my code: Servlet protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, ...

Using Apache commons FileUpload

This just won't work. The problem is that I do not know enough to even know what is supposed to happen. I can't debug this code. I'd like to store upload to temporary folder "temp" and then to move them to "applets". Please help? The servlet is obviously being accessed, but I can't find the uploaded files... Thanks in advance. Form (wh...

Checking for a Valid Path when Uploading a File Using commons-fileupload

I'm working with some code that uploads an image from a form and stores it on our server. In Internet Explorer the user can enter a path manually, and I wonder how I can check that the file exists, i.e., that the user entered a valid path. There's a FileItem object that's being used to check size (e.g., fileItem.getSize() < MAX_SIZE), a...

Apache Commons FileUpload problem on Glassfish server

I have simple web app that just has one Servlet that accepts data file and saves it to the server. I'm using "apache commons FileUpload" library. File uploading work fine on my local server (I'm using Glassfish for my Dev and Prod server). I can upload any size files. Here is my memory info: -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx1024m Here is the ...

JSP - File upload with Apache Commons

Why my file-upload code is not working? I am using "commons-fileupload-1.1.1.jar". Also I am seeing a strikethrough in the 2nd Line on "isMultipartContent" in NetBeans 6.1. // Check that we have a file upload request >>>> boolean isMultipart = FileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); // Create variables for path, filename a...

How to retrieve multiple values from the select field using Commons File Upload?

Update: The problem ended up being the Flash component itself. It wasn't properly compiling the multiple values from the element. I notified the developers and they implemented a workaround. Commons FileUpload does support multiple values per the accepted answer. I have a form, enctype="multipart/form-data", with one <select name="XX...

How can I avoid OutOfMemoryErrors when using Commons FileUpload's DiskFileItem to upload large files?

I am getting OutOfMemoryErrors when uploading large (>300MB) files to a servlet utilizing Commons FileUpload 1.2.1. It seems odd, because the entire point of using DiskFileItem is to prevent the (possibly large) file from residing in memory. I am using the default size threshold of 10KB, so that's all that should ever be loaded into the ...

upload file using inputstream in GAE java

I am trying to upload file to google sites and am obtaining the stream using apache commons file upload. I get the input stream as under InputStream is = fileItem.openStream(); How will I convert this input stream in file object so that below call succeeds and I am able to set the MediaFileSource to above converted file. Atta...

Will Spring hold contents in memory or stores in the disk ?

When a file say 100 MB size is uploaded from browser will Spring hold whole data in memory or stores in the disk temporarily. After going through Spring doc I know how to set a temp dir but I want to know what will happen if I don't mention that. Am having following declaration : <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework....

parseRequest returning no items

i'm using the commons.fileupload .. when i try to parse the request i get no items from it which later leads to a null pointer exception... as far as i understand, this happens because "Why is parseRequest() returning no items? This most commonly happens when the request has already been parsed, or processed in some other way. Since th...

How can I find the encoding of a FileItemStream returned by FileItemIterator?

I use Apache Commons FileUpload to receive uploaded files in a Servlet, as described at ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(); FileItemIterator iterator = upload.getItemIterator(request); while (iterator.hasNext()) { FileItemStream...

commons fileUpload: specifying an upload directory within Webapplication context

I'd like to know how to specify an upload directory preferably a relative path to a directory under my WEB-CONTENT directory where I'd like to store uploaded files: I get an error when I specify the upload be store as: **File saveFile = new File("/"+fileName);** please refer to code below Error: INFO: Server startup in 497 ms

How to parse multipart/mixed content from JSP to servlets

Hi, I'm sending multipart/mixed content message from JSP to servlets but when I used ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request); method to check if the request is Multipart or not, I'm getting the output as "false". This is how content type header of my message is looking like: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_26_2...

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest

I'm developing a servlet that receives a multipart request with content of multiple files, and I'm using apache commons file upload libraries. When I call parseRequest(request); method servlet throws following exception: GRAVE: Servlet.service() for servlet DiffOntology threw exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http...

How to set the path to "context path" for uploaded files using Apache Common fileupload?

Hi, I'm using Apache common fileupload library with Netbeans 6.8 + Glassfish.I'm trying to change the current upload path to be in the current context path of the servlet , something like this: WEB-INF/upload so I wrote : File uploadedFile = new File("WEB-INF/upload/"+fileName); session.setAttribute("path",uploadedFile.getAbsolutePa...

Uploadify doesn't send filename

Hello. I'm trying to use Uploadify for uploading multiple files, $('#fileuploadinput').uploadify({ uploader: '/js/uploadify/uploadify.swf', script: '/uploadpath', cancelImg: '/js/uploadify/cancel.png', multi: true, fileDataName: 'uploadFile' }); and there is a Spring controller with comons-fileupload 1.2.1 on the s...

upload.parseRequest(request) returns empty list in commons.fileUpload

I am using org.apache.commons.fileUpload.FileItem and other related classes for uploading files from local machine to server (Although for the current testing both the machines are same). I am having .jsp file as UI and servlet to handle the upload. Now when the request reaches statement List items = upload.parseRequest(request); i...

Interrupt HTTP POST in Spring MVC with maxUploadSize?

I've configured a MultipartResolver in my Spring MVC webapp and set its maxUploadSize property to 1MB. <bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver"> <property name="maxUploadSize"> <!-- 1MB max --> <value>1048576</value> </property> </bean> When a user ...

Using Spring 3 @ExceptionHandler with commons FileUpload and SizeLimitExceededException/MaxUploadSizeExceededException

Hi All, I am having trouble with catching and gracefully handling commons fileupload's FileUploadBase.SizeLimitExceededException or spring's MaxUploadSizeExceededException when uploading large files. From what I can tell these exceptions are thrown during data binding, before the controller is actually reached, therefore resulting in ...