
Use existing languages in BNF with TinyPG?

How can I use these BNF grammars which are in GOLD meta-syntax (RegExp + BNF) with TinyPG? I'm new to BNF so approximately what sort of conversion will I have to do to convert BNF to EBNF? I believe it should be pretty simple since TinyPG needs RegExp + EBNF in comparison to the GOLD grammars which are RegExp + BNF. Also, is there any ...

What is a good C# compiler-compiler/parser generator?

I'm looking for a parser generator that given an EBNF for a LL(k) language will give me a C# parser and generate classes the types defined in the EBNF. ...

What is TinyPG and how does it work?

What is TinyPG and how does it work? I know its a "compiler-compiler" but how do I get started and create my own compiler in C#? ...

Is this grammar not LR(1)?

I'm working on parse generator for PHP. Currently I'm trying to implement canonical LR(1) parser, but it outputs reduce-reduce conflict on following grammar. Is this grammar not LR(1)? Or should I recheck my algorithms? Grammar in Bison(-like) notation: syntax : toplevels rules ; toplevels : toplevel | toplevel toplevels ;...