
EBNF to fluent interface

I have recently had the need to write a fluent interface for C# that will essentially mirror SQL. Yes, I am aware of LINQ to SQL, but I'm interesting in getting "closer to the metal"--having something that essentially provides nothing more than an Intellisensified SQL shim within C#. E.g., var fq = new FluentQuery(); Expression<Action...

Grammar Writing Tools

I am trying to write a grammar in EBNF (barring a really good reason, it has to be EBNF) and am looking for a couple of utilities for it - if there's a GUI interface that can make one, that would be great, but the thing I'm looking for most is something that can check the grammar, for instance to see if it is LALR(n), and if so, what the...

Use existing languages in BNF with TinyPG?

How can I use these BNF grammars which are in GOLD meta-syntax (RegExp + BNF) with TinyPG? I'm new to BNF so approximately what sort of conversion will I have to do to convert BNF to EBNF? I believe it should be pretty simple since TinyPG needs RegExp + EBNF in comparison to the GOLD grammars which are RegExp + BNF. Also, is there any ...

Java EBNF?

Does anyone know of an accurate source for an (E)BNF for the Java language? Preferably, it would be from an authorative source, e.g. Sun. Thanks. ...

Where can I get material for learning EBNF?

Extended Backus–Naur Form: EBNF I'm very new to parsing concepts. Where can I get sufficiently easy to read and follow material for writing a grammar for the boost::spirit library, which uses a grammar similar to EBNF? Currently I am looking into EBNF from Wikipedia. ...

Is ANTLR an appropriate tool to serialize/deserialize a binary data format?

I need to read and write octet streams to send over various networks to communicate with smart electric meters. There is an ANSI standard, ANSI C12.19, that describes the binary data format. While the data format is not overly complex the standard is very large (500+ pages) in that it describes many distinct types. The standard is ful...

Please help me define a language in EBNF

Give the EBNF specification for the language L that is made up of the chars a, b and c such that sentences in the language have the form L : sqsR -s is a string of any combination of the characters a and b -sR is that same string s reversed -q is an odd number of c's followed by either an odd number of b's or an even number ...

How can I define an INI file grammar using the BNFC?

http://www.cs.chalmers.se/Cs/Research/Language-technology/BNFC/ how should I write my labeled BNF to get BNFC to generate a INI parser for me? I have only gotten so far o__O! entrypoints File ; comment "#" ; token ID ( letter | digit | ["-_'"] )+ ; Ini. File ::= [Section] ; Sect. Section ::= "[" ID "]" [Statement] ; Bind. Statement...

Parsing wikimedia markup - are EBNF-based parsers poorly suited?

I am attempting to parse (in Java) Wikimedia markup as found on Wikipedia. There are a number of existing packages out there for this task, but I have not found any to fit my needs particularly well. The best package I have worked with is the Mathclipse Bliki parser, which does a decent job on most pages. This parser is incomplete, how...

Z80 ASM BNF structure... I'm am on the right track?

I'm currently trying to get to grips with BNF and attempting to assemble some Z80 ASM code. Since I'm new to both fields So my question is, Am I even on the right track? I am currently trying to write the format of Z80 ASM as EBNF so that I can then figure out where to go from there to create machine code from the source. At the moment I...

(E)BNF Parsing to XML

Is there any (E)BNF parser out there which is able to generate XML trees of the AST? Rephrasing: what is the quickest way to compile an (E)BNF defined language into some sort of XML? Bonus: Using Javascript :-) ...

bnf/ebnf for xml schema

I'm looking for a BNF/EBNF of XML Schema. I just found the one for XML (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml or extracted at http://www.jelks.nu/XML/xmlebnf.html). Well it's a starting point, but I'm curious that I couldn't find a more specific one for XML Schema. ...

Grammars, Scala Parsing Combinators and Orderless Sets

I'm writing an application that will take in various "command" strings. I've been looking at the Scala combinator library to tokenize the commands. I find in a lot of cases I want to say: "These tokens are an orderless set, and so they can appear in any order, and some might not appear". With my current knowledge of grammars I would hav...

EBNF for ECMAScript?

I'm trying to find a good EBNF description of ECMAScript, but so far I've not found anything complete. Any ideas? ...

Scala Parser Token Delimiter Problem

I'm trying to define a grammar for the commands below. object ParserWorkshop { def main(args: Array[String]) = { ChoiceParser("todo link todo to database") ChoiceParser("todo link todo to database deadline: next tuesday context: app.model") } } The second command should be tokenized as: action = todo message =...

AS3 Grammar: Most accurate

I'm looking for an accurate AS3 grammar (format in not an issue, but I presume ANTLR will feature the most) to use for a practice grammar I'm making. What is the most accurate grammar available for AS3? ...

EBNF to BNF Conversion

I have a homework problem which I could use some help on. I need to convert the following EBNF statement to BNF <S> -> <A>{b<A>} <A> -> a[b]<A> This is what I have come up with so far; <S> -> <A> | <A><S> | b<A> <A> -> a<A> | ab<A> It doesn't feel right, mainly because it's a WAG. The example in my book (Concepts of Programming Lan...

Tool for converting an XSD to EBNF?

Does anyone know of a tool that will take an XSD file as input and produce EBNF? ...

Converting EBNF to BNF

It's been a few years since my computer-language class and so I've forgotten the finer points of BNF's and EBNF's and I don't have a textbook next to me. Specifically, I've forgotten how to convert an EBNF into BNF. From what little I remember, I know that one of the main points is to convert { term } into <term> | <many-terms>. But I d...

Grammar for Java's annotations

Is there a BNF or EBNF that describes the grammar for Java's annotations? ...