
Catching overflow of left shift of constant 1 using compiler warning?

We're writing code inside the Linux kernel so, try as I might, I wasn't able to get PC-Lint/Flexelint working on Linux kernel code. Just too many built-in symbols etc. But that's a side issue. We have any number of compilers, starting with gcc, but others also. Their warnings options have been getting stronger over time, to where they ...

xcode objective-c warnings

Hi, I'm relatively new to objective-c...I'm using the iphone 3.0 SDK I have a UIView, which is a subview, that I want to resize under certain circumstances. The way I do it is within a controller class. for example, CGSize el = CGSizeMake(30, 40); [self.subview setSize:el]; the above code does work, but the compiler gives a warning...

Visual Studio: Warn on Missing XML Documentation for Private and Internal Members

I am using Visual Studio 2005 (VS.8.0) and I am looking to enforce the requirement that all class members, not just the public ones, be documented. While trivial to setup Visual Studio to generate warnings when public, protected, or internal protected members are not documented, I am looking for a way to have the private and internal mem...

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java?

What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java? The bit that come between the ("") in @SuppressWarnings(""). ...

Xcode seems to not want to include my class

So, I have a class called MazeCell which is declared in "MazeCell.h" #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> enum { MazeCellEdgeWall = 0, MazeCellEdgeGate = 1, MazeCellEdgeExit = 2 }; typedef NSUInteger MazeCellEdge; @interface MazeCell : NSObject { MazeCellEdge left; MazeCellEdge right; MazeCellEdge down; MazeCe...

Protocols with optional properties?

The short version is that I have a protocol which has an optional parameter. When I build a class that implements it with the iPhone SDK 3.x it compiles just fine, with no errors or warnings. When I used the 2.x SDK I get the following warning: Class.m:68: warning: property 'field' requires method '-field' to be defined - use @synthesiz...

Why is VC++ C4150 (deletion of pointer to incomplete type) only a warning?

Of course, warning must be treated, but why is VC++ C4150 (deletion of pointer to incomplete type) only a warning? ...

Delphi warnings are bugging me

In one of my component sets, I am getting a number of warnings at compile time: "Method Create (Clear, DrawTab) hides virtual method of base type ControlX". My problem is that I don't know enough about virtual methods and Delphi to know how to fix this properly (we have the source code). Does anyone know how to fix this type of error i...

C++ Boost: what's the cause of this warning?

I have a simple C++ with Boost like this: #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> int main() { std::string latlonStr = "hello,ergr()()rg(rg)"; boost::find_format_all(latlonStr,boost::token_finder(boost::is_any_of("(,)")),boost::const_formatter(" ")); This works fine; it replaces every occurrence of ( ) , with a " " However, I get ...

Warning: "File '../ControllerName/ActionMethodName' was not found."

We're seeing the above warning on a View's form post... <form action="../ControllerName/ActionMethodName" method="post"> Technically this warning is correct - there is no such file, but as we're using ASP.NET MVC this check isn't really sufficient. This warning isn't stopping our application from working but we have a general "no com...

Bad path warning, where is it coming from?

When I compile my project with compiler warnings (JDK 1.5) I get a bunch of bad path element warnings: Warning:: [path] bad path element "C:\Users\User\MyJava\common\lib\junit.jar": no such file or directory Warning:: [path] bad path element "C:\Users\User\MyJava\common\lib\jdom.jar": no such file or directory Warning:: [path] bad path ...

Ensuring correct Double Pointer passing method at compile-time in C++

Hi there, in the past we encountered various memory-leaks in our software. We found out that these happened mostly due to incorrect usage of our own "free"-Methods, which free Queue-Message-Data and the likes. The problem is, in our deepest tool-functions there are two methods to free up dynamically allocated memory, with the followin...

Is there a way to suppress warnings in C# similar to Java's @SuppressWarnings annotation?

Is there a way to suppress warnings in C# similar to Java's @SuppressWarnings annotation? Failing that, is there another way to suppress warnings in Visual Studio? ...

Java: Generic casting down generates warning, why?

I don't understand why the following code generates a warning. interface Generic<T> { } interface A { } class B { Generic<A> c; <T extends A> B(Generic<T> a) { c = (Generic<A>) a; //warning here } } //Unchecked cast from Generic<T> to Generic<A> In class B i'm only interested in using instances of Generic that ar...

w8004 compiler warning BDS6 c/c++

Hello It is a best practise to initialise a variable at the time of declaration. int TMyClass::GetValue() { int vStatus = OK; // A function returns a value vStatus = DoSomeThingAndReturnErrorCode(); if(!vStatus) //Do something else return(vStatus); } In the debug mode, a statement like this int vSt...

Why am I getting a deprecated warning in XCode

I am getting a warning about setText method when I am not even using it. Why does XCode display this warning message? ...

How to detect unused methods and #import in Objective-C

After working a long time on an iPhone app, I realized that my code it's quite dirty, containing several #import and methods that are not called or useful at all. I would like to know if there's any compiler directive or way to detect those useless lines of code. Does Xcode have any tool to detect this? ...

What is a manifest authoring warning ?

Anyone knows what this mean? Care to shed some light? Got this warning while compiling a MFC project in VS2005. ..\..\..\Shared\res\zenOn_common.manifest : manifest authoring warning 81010002: Unrecognized Element "requestedPrivileges" in namespace "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3". ...

C# could not load file or assembly...system cannot find file specified

Writing a routine WinForms app that references a few custom libraries written by myself. I am building one particular library which depends on another library and, when I do, I get the following warning message: "Could not load file or assembly 'RHLib' Version, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. T...

Xcode - why didn't this show a warning?

I've got a class I wrote earlier in the year, pre 3.0, that implemented the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate protocol. In it, I implemented the imagePickerController:didFinishPickingImage:editingInfo: method, which is deprecated in the 3.0 SDK. The thing is, I noticed this just by cruising through the documentation, and not from a compi...