
Should Java programs compiled with debugging information not be used in a production system?

Is there any reason I should avoid compiling in debugging information with Javac in my Java classes for use in a production server? Are there any speed or security concerns I should be aware of? Please note that I am referring to debugging information like line numbers in stack traces, not the debug level of loggers. Related Questio...

Compiler Generated Cruft

I am attempting to recover source from an assembly using Reg Gate's Reflector. The original source took advantage of several C# 3.0 features which has made it a little difficult to recover. For instance here is the recovered source for an anonymous type. The first thing that pops out is the <> in from on the class identifier. Run time ty...

Anyone here has benchmarked Intel C++ compiler and GCC?

I am not sure whether I should post this question here, because this seems to be a programming-oriented website. Anyway, I think there must be some gurus here who knows this. Now I have a AMD Opteron server running CentOS 5. I want to have a compiler for a fairly large c++ Boost based program. Which compiler I should choose? ...

compiler optimization implementation

Actually I am making a major project in implementing compiler optimization techniques. I already know about the existing techniques, but I am confused what technique to choose and how to implement it. ...

How much time and effort to develop a full programming language, compiler and IDE?

Hello, I got tired of searching and never finding a programming language that fits my needs (and I suppose most good programmers feel somewhat the same way). Anyway, I do have an idea of what I'd like for a programming language, and I'd like to try to develop my own. I'm interested in information on how hard it is and how long it takes ...

What is the function of symbol table in front-end and back-end of compiler?

What is the function of symbol table in front-end and back-end of compiler? ...

C++ Classes - Pointers question

I had a quiz at school and there was this question that I wasn't sure if I answered correctly. I could not find the answer in the book so I just wanted to ask you. Point* array[10]; How many instances of class Point are created when the above code is called? I answered none because it only creates space for 10 instances, but doesn't ...

RHEL5 Qt compiler/linker/qmake issues... advice?

I have about a few problems with a new install of the Qt SDK. I probably only need advice, but specific answers are also welcome. Before I begin a mini-story, I am running RHEL5 on academic license under VirtualBox on OSX 10.6. Using Qt version 4.5.3. This is my situation... 1.) I couldn't compile because g++ wasn't found. I fixed this ...

A language that doesn't use 'C' ?

Just curious. I may be wrong, but as far as I know, most languages are created using 'C' sources. For example: perl , php , python, java(?), go ... Is there any language that doesn't use C as a low level interpreter/compiler ? (fortran ?) ...

-isystem for MS Visual Studio C++ Compiler

I usually like to have a lot of warnings enabled when programming. However, some libraries contains code that easily causes warnings (.., python, Qt, ..). When compiling with gcc I can just use -isystem instead of -I to silence that. How can I do the same with the MS compiler? I know of the warning #pragma, but I would like a solution th...

Is there a C header parser tool for wrapper generation like gccxml?

I need to write a few c header wrappers for a new programming language and would like something like gccxml but without the full dependency on gcc and the problems it gives on a windows system. Just needs to read C not C++. Output in any format is okay as long it is fully documented. Need it for Curl, SQLite, GTK2, SDL, OpenGL, Win32 A...

How do modern optimizing compilers determine when to optimize?

How do modern optimizing compilers determine when to apply certain optimizations such as loop unrolling and code inlining? Since both of these affect caching, naively inlining functions with less than X lines, or whatever other simple heuristic, is likely to generate worse performing code. So, how do modern compilers deal with this? I'...

Are there C/C++ compilers that do not require standard library includes?

All applicants to our company must pass a simple quiz using C as part of early screening process. It consists of a C source file that must be modified to provide the desired functionality. We clearly state that we will attempt to compile the file as-is, with no changes. Almost all applicants user "strlen" but half of them do not inc...

How do I go about creating a compiler/editor in Eclipse?

My question is somewhat specific, but the answer I need is general: (turned out very wordy, so boldened the important bit) I have to use a light-weight proprietary language to code in at work, which only has a basic text editor with syntax highlights. Because I need to do a lot of testing, I want to create an Eclipse plug-in for the l...

Does this program grammar only recognize variables with the name 'ID'?

I need to make a scanner in lex/flex to find tokens and a parser in yacc/bison to process those tokens based on the following grammar. When I was in the middle of making the scanner, it appeared to me that variables, functions, and arrays in this language can only have the name 'ID'. Am I misreading this yacc file? /* C-Minus BNF Gram...

Open source C# compilers in C#?

Are there any open source C# compilers written in C#? I know of Blue, but it was written in 2001 and only supports C# 1: Mike Stall's 'Blue' C# Compiler Ideally, I'm looking for one which supports C# 3.0 - but even 2.0 would be fine. ...

Stop and continue while evaluation an expression tree

At the office, we've applied simple Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to several problem domains we encountered. Basically, we parse (lex/yacc) the custom script into an expression tree. Every node in the expression tree has an .evaluate() method that gets called recursively, until the program is done. Nice, and simple as pie. Which is ...

[C++] Validity of int * array = new int [size]();

int * array = new int [size](); The operator () allow to set all values of array to 0 (all bits to 0). it's called value-initialization. Since which version of g++ is it valid ? What about other compilers ? Where can i find it in standard ? Thank you for your future anwsers. ...

Reordering and Interleaving of Code

Are reordering and interleaving interchangeable terms when it comes to code compilation, optimization and execution? ...

Does GCC's __attribute__((__packed__))...?

Purpose I am writing a network program in C (specifically gnu89) and I would like to simplify things by reinterpreting a certain struct X as big array of bytes (a.k.a. char), sending the bytes over the network, and reinterpreting them as struct X on the other side. To this end I have decided to use gcc's __attribute__((__packed__ )). I ...