
JPA - many to many relationship of a table with a compound-key with itself

I would like to create a many to many relationship of a table (RoutePlace) with itself using JPA anotations. The singularity of the table I want to join with itself is that it has a compound-key. example: Any suggestions? Thanks in advance ...

ORM support for compound primary keys

I've read that compound primary keys will confuse the hell out of typical ORM code generators. Which ORMs work best with compound PKs and which to avoid? (I've a particular interest in .NET) ...

Denormalize data or multiple-column key?

I'm trying to make a judgment call in implementing a small-ish SQL Server '08 database. I'm translating an output text file of a flat-file database from an old COBOL system to the aforementioned SQL Server database. It's a database of vehicle and real estate loans, which can be uniquely identified by the combination of a Lender ID (a s...

Compound/Composite primary/unique key with Django

How to create models and tables with Compound/Composite primary/unique key with Django? ...

JPA Compound key with @EmbeddedId

In a legacy database, I have three tables: Users, Workgroups, and UsersWorkgroup. UsersWorkgroup stores what role a user has in a workgroup. Here are the relevant code snippets: @Entity @Table(name = "users_workgroup") public class UsersWorkgroup implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Embedde...