Given a set of n points, can we find three points that describe a triangle with minimum area in O(n^2)? If yes, how, and if not, can we do better than O(n^3)?
I have found some papers that state that this problem is at least as hard as the problem that asks to find three collinear points (a triangle with area 0). These papers describe a...
For a polygon defined as a sequence of (x,y) points, how can I detect whether it is complex or not? A complex polygon has intersections with itself, as shown:
Is there a better solution than checking every pair which would have a time complexity of O(N2)?
There are many good packages for calculating the intersection of polygons. I have found the GPC library useful.
I would like to compute intersections of polyhedra (piecewise linear boundaries) in 3D. Are there any good libraries in C/C++ for this?
i'm having a set of segments (each defined with two points; 2D) and want to know for every segment x, how many other segments y1,..., yn are intersecting x.
How would you do that efficiently in CGAL?
I don't have any experience with the CGAL library and Computer Geometry at all. I just need an algorithm for doing the stuff mentione...