
concat multiple JSONObjects

I am consuming some JSON from two different sources, I end up with two JSONObjects and i'd like to combine them in to one. Data: "Object1": { "Stringkey":"StringVal", "ArrayKey": [Data0, Data1] } "Object2": { "Stringkey":"StringVal", "Stringkey":"StringVal", "Stringkey":"StringVal", } Code, using

Javascript - Concatenate Multiple NodeLists Together

I was originally asking for an elegant way to simulate the Array.concat() functionality in IE or older browsers, because it seemed that concat was not supported. Only, of course it is and the reason the object didn't support it is because it wasn't an array. Oops! getElementsByTagName returns a NodeList, not an array. The real question,...

mysql - query group/concat question??

I have a situation where I return results with mutiple rows. I'm looking for aw way to return a single row, with the multiple items in separate cols within the row. My initial query: SELECT,, a.address, a.abbrv, b.urltype, b.url FROM jos__universityTBL as a LEFT JOIN jos__university_urlTBL as b on b.universityID...

mysql concat all field table

Is there a way we can concat all field in the table(1 sql statement)(automatic) ? The reason was before user updated or delete a record,the record will push to another table for future reference. ...

PHP/mySQL - using result from 'CONCAT' and 'AS' in 'LIKE' clause

Hi I have the following code; if( ! empty( $post['search-bar'] ) ) { $search_data = preg_replace("#\s\s#is", '', preg_replace("#[^\w\d\s+]#is", '', $post['search-bar'] ) ); $data_array = explode( " ", $search_data ); $data_array = "'%" . implode( "%' OR '%", $data_array ) . "%'"; $query = " SELECT CONCAT( PROFILE_PROFF...

Concat E4X expressions in ActionScript 3

Is there any way to concatenate E4X expressions? If I store "half" a path in a variable, can I concatenate the way I do with Strings? ...

MySQL concat question

Hi guys! I am somewhat mystified by concat and joins in MySQL 4. Here's where I am having an issue. I have two tables... person id, fname, lname, city, state, zip capital state, city I am needing to generate all states and the number of persons (from the person table) from each. Something like .... AK | 5 AL | 7 AZ | 0 etc et...

How to change this mysql select into sql server select statement?

I use this mysql statement for concating description which has a length greater than 30.. select if (CHAR_LENGTH(description)>30,CONCAT(SUBSTRING(description,1,30), '.....'),description) as description from table How to change this mysql select into sql server select statement? ...

why concat() is not working here? , java

Consider the code below, String s = "TEST"; String s2 = s.trim(); s.concat("ING"); System.out.println("S = "+s); System.out.println("S2 = "+s2); Output obtained : S = TEST S2 = TEST BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds) Why "ING" is not concatenated? ...

mysql:connection OK but response error

hi all..this is my code: $Line = mysql_real_escape_string(postVar("showline")); $Model = mysql_real_escape_string(postVar("showmodel")); $NIK = mysql_real_escape_string(postVar("showNIK")); $sql ="SELECT NIK,Line,Model FROM inspection_report"; $sql.="WHERE NIK='".$NIK."' AND Model LIKE '%".$Model."%' AND...

count concatenate column in mysql

I want do like this, but for another case that not function. This is my example table: Date Model No Line Range Lot Status 2010-08-01 KD-G435 1 01 1-100 013A accept 2010-08-01 KD-G435 2 01 1-100 013A accept 2010-08-01 KW-TC800 ...

How do I concatenate strings from a subquery into a single row in mysql?

I have three tables: table "package" ----------------------------------------------------- package_id int(10) primary key, auto-increment package_name varchar(255) price decimal(10,2) table "zones" ------------------------------------------------------ zone_id varchar(32) primary key (ex of data: A1,...