
Concat all column values in sql

How to concat all column values from differenct rows returned from a sql query into one value? This is an example: a query returns: FOO ------ RES1 RES2 RES3 now I want to have a result like the following one: FOOCONCAT ----- RES1RES2RES3 Are there any ways to do this in sql? ...

Concatenating rows from different tables into one field

Hi! In a project using a MSSQL 2005 Database we are required to log all data manipulating actions in a logging table. One field in that table is supposed to contain the row before it was changed. We have a lot of tables so I was trying to write a stored procedure that would gather up all the fields in one row of a table that was given t...

How to concatenate strings with binary values in python?

What's the easiest way in python to concatenate string with binary values ? sep = 0x1 data = ["abc","def","ghi","jkl"] Looking for result data "abc0x1def0x1ghi0x1jkl" with the 0x1 being binary value not string "0x1". ...

How can I concatinate a subquery result field into the parent query?

Hi folks, DB: Sql Server 2008. I have a really (fake) groovy query like this:- SELECT CarId, NumberPlate (SELECT Owner FROM Owners b WHERE b.CarId = a.CarId) AS Owners FROM Cars a ORDER BY NumberPlate And this is what I'm trying to get... => 1 ABC123 John, Jill, Jane => 2 XYZ123 Fred => 3 SOHOT J...

CONCAT'ing NULL fields

I have a table with three fields, FirstName, LastName and Email. Here's some dummy data: FirstName | LastName | Email Adam West [email protected] Joe Schmoe NULL Now, if I do: SELECT CONCAT(FirstName, LastName, Email) as Vitals FROM MEMBERS Vitals for Joe is null, as there is a single null field. How do you ov...

How do you concatenate Lists in C#?

If I have: List<string> myList1; List<string> myList2; int placeToCheckValues = 0; //Used for breakpoints since the values don't get updated until after the line is executed myList1 = getMeAList(); placeToCheckValues = 0; //Checked myList1 here, it contains 4 strings myList2 = getMeAnotherList(); placeToCheckValues = 0; //Checke...

How can multiple rows be concatenated into one in Oracle without creating a stored procedure?

How can I achieve the following in oracle without creating a stored procedure? Data Set: question_id element_id 1 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 Desired Result: question_id element_id 1 7,8 2 9 3 10,11,12 ...

mysql concat with trim

I've got a table which holds a bunch of addresses in cells labelled address | city. I am attempting to merge the complete address into the common 'address, city' format. Occasionally, in my database, I will have one of the location cells empty. Therefore, I do a IFNULL in my concat line, but I end up with a leading or trailing ','. I ...

Concatenating record values in database (MS Access) or in server side code (ASP.NET)

Hi, sorry to bother you people again. I've searched all over the internet but I can't find the solution to my problem. I have two tables in Access and the output is like this: MATH 5 ENGLISH 3 ENGLISH 2 PHYSICS 5 MATH 1 MATH 3 I want it to be: MATH 5, 1, 3 ENGLISH 3, 2 PHYSICS 5 How can I accomplish this? It tried playing with S...

SQL Server 2008 Rows to 1 CSV field

We're on SQL Server 2008 and I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to have a stored procedure return my results in 1 CSV field for example: SELECT TOP 4 carModels FROM dbo.Models would return Jeep Honda Mitsubishi Ford I would like this returned in 1 field like so: Jeep,Honda,Mitsubishi,Ford I know we can do this with an asse...

Merge list items in a Python List

Say I have a list like this: [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] How do modify that list so that it looks like this? [a, b, c, def, g] I would much prefer that it modified the existing list directly, not created a new list. ...

How to concat two or more gzip files/streams

Hello, I want to concat two or more gzip streams without recompressing them. I mean I have A compressed to A.gz and B to B.gz, I want to compress them to single gzip (A+B).gz without compressing once again, using C or C++. Several notes: Even you can just concat two files and gunzip would know how to deal with them, most of program...

concatenate string to char in C#

I need to concatenate '*', which is a string, to a character in an array. For example: int count=5; string asterisk="*"; char p[0]='a'; char p[1]='b'; char p[2]='a'; char p[3]='b'; char p[4]='b'; for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { asterisk=asterisk+"*"; } p[0]=p[0]+asterisk; How can I do this? I want the result to be li...

PHP Function to Join Strings?

join_strings(string $glue, string $var, string $var2 [, string $...]); I am looking for something that would behave similar to the function I conceptualized above. A functional example would be: $title = "Mr."; $fname = "Jonathan"; $lname = "Sampson"; print join_strings(" ", $title, $fname, $lname); // Mr. Jonathan Sampson After gi...

How can I concatenate only some fields with a hyphen?

Input: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 4 ABCDEF1234 1111111111 20090101 00:00:00 XYZ 123 Output: 4 ABCDEF1234 1111111111 20090101-00:00:00 XYZ 123 F represents fields. F4 and F5 are date fields which needs to be concatenated with a hyphen. Is there a quick Perl script that does this? ...

Concatenation of files using ffmpeg does not work as I expected. Why?

I execute the following command line for ffmpeg.exe -i C:\Beema\video-source\DO_U_BEEMA176x144short.avi -i C:\Beema\video-source\DO_U_BEEMA176x144short.avi -i C:\Beema\temp\9016730-51056331-stitcheds.avi -i C:\Beema\video-source\GOTTA_BEEMA176x144short.avi -y -ac 1 -r 24 -b 25K C:\Beema\video-out\9a062fb6-d448...

Insights on how to get celltext with linebreaks from a spreadsheet to a XML

So, I'm trying to get the content from a cell in an ODS spreadsheet. I'm doing something like: <xsl:value-of select="./table:table-cell[6]/text:p/text()" disable-output-escaping="yes"/> The nasty point is that the content of my table-cell have many line breaks and my code can't get to the full text =/ I also tried many variations ...

What happens when Java Compiler sees many String concatenations in one line?

Suppose I have an expression in Java such as: String s = "abc" + methodReturningAString() + "ghi" + anotherMethodReturningAString() + "omn" + "blablabla"; What's the behaviour of the Java's default JDK compiler? Does it just makes the five concatenations or there is a smart performance trick done? ...

Javascript object member reassignment of value.

I need to change a value in a javascript object. var wba_product = { sku:'12ZB7', availability:'Usually ships in 1-2 business days', } I want to change this using javascript. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript> if(wba_product.sku == '12ZB7') wba_product.availability + ' Items are charged to your credit card ...

SQL, How to Concatenate results?

I currently have a SQL query that returns a number of fields. I need one f the fields to be effectively a sub query sub that. The Problem in detail: If I have a table X with two columns, ModuleID and say ModuleValue, how can I write a SQL query to take the results and Concatenate it into one field: EG Results returned from (SE...