
Version Comparision of User Generated and Modified Content

I'm working on a project constructing an online collaboration tool. Looking at Wikipedia, I noticed that user-generated itterations of a page can easily be compared to each other; the comparison highlights the differences. Conceptually, what would I need to implement to do pretty much exactly the same? ...

Generic guide to programming concepts?

I'm looking for a guide to the basic concepts of programming, that are explained in a good amount of depth. By this I mean something that describes what: Object oriented programming is... What compilers are, how they work, etc.. General descriptions of how programs work on a deeper level - such as, say, everything is in binary. But we...

Basic Obj-C question: Calling methods on an object

Background: I'm a .NET guy who has no prior experience in Objective-C/Cocoa, but I'm working through Aaron Hillegass' book, "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" trying to pick up the basics. (Great book so far, BTW!) For the purpose of completing one of the optional side challenges, I'm writing a document-based app that lets users draw ovals...

What does “Data is just dumb code, and code is just smart data” mean?

I just came across an idea in The Structure And Interpretation of Computer Programs where it’s being phrased as “Data is just dumb code, and code is just smart data”. I fail to understand what it means? Can some one help me to understand it better? ...

Core animation code structure/conventions

In learning Core Animation, I learned very quickly that if you don't do it right, you get really weird undefined behavior. To that end, I have a few questions that will help me conceptually understand it better. My NSView subclass declares the following in it's init. This view is a subview of normal layer backed view. [self setLayer:[...

Good function pointer analogies?

The best one I have come up with so far is that a card catalog contains instructions on finding how to cook different types of food. It does not contain the information on how to cook the food, nor the instructions on cooking the food itself, but it can point you to relevant instructions which are located elsewhere. It is a good analog...

What are the most important programming languages to know for concepts?

In your opinion, what are the most important languages for a programmer to know? I'm talking about concepts, not about how practical the language is. List the languages and a reason. For example, Lisp for functional programming, JavaScript for prototype-based OOP, etc. ...

Carrying row values from MYSQL after form submission.

What is the best way to carry an auto incremented ID from one form to another? I have 3 tables (users, residences, and users_residences). I want a user to register, be added to the users table, be redirected to a form to create a residence which will add a row to the residence table and simultaneously add the the residence tabe row's i...

Explaining benefits of an array to a lay person?

I develop code in our proprietry system using a scripting language that is unique to that system. Our director has allowed us to request enhancements to this language, which currently lacks user definable arrays. I need to write a concept brief on why we need arrays and how they can benefit us, however I need to explain it in a fashion t...

loading 'modules' data into views on a per user basis dynamically from one controller (codeigniter)

Hi, First off I am pretty new to this whole thing so feel free to tell me to bugger off. I am trying to load the views for a set of 'modules' for a user who has selected any number of available 'modules'. I can get the name of the module (or any column) from the database and load->view($name . '_view'); but can't seem to figure a way ...

How do you conceive a web application ?

I would like to know which steps and which concepts do you follow when you're starting a web application from scratch. When you're asked to develop a new web application and the only thing you're told is which features are wanted, how do you do ? How and in which order do you conceive all the different layers in your application, from ...

Ideas for build a document managment system

A customer need a document managment system and I'm building information about this. I know about sharepoint & alfresco, but in this case I'm evaluating the necesary info for build it from scratch, so please refrain to suggest the use of any of these (we are doing the evaluation of them separately, this is all about develop, not impleme...

Some basic questions on RDBMSes.

I've skimmed thru Date and Silberschatz but can't seem to find answers to these specific questions of mine. If 2 database users issue a query -- say, 'select * from AVERYBIGTABLE;' -- where would the results of the query get stored in general... i.e., independent of the size of the result set? a. In the OS-managed physical/virtual me...

Database Programming Concepts

So I've read a couple books on SQL and I've used SQL and created databases, but really nothing advanced, a couple tables, a couple joins, that sort of thing. So now I am working on a project that is pretty big. The database is going to have multiple tables and we will be processing 40'000 to 80'000 rows of data daily. Now I find myself...

What are the essential concepts all programmers should learn and use?

Hi! I'm currently learning to program, and I didn't take CS classes so I'm basically starting out on the bottom. I have been putting together code on and off for many years, but haven't really had a good understanding of essential concepts needed for enganging in bigger projects. Object-orientation is an obvious one, and I feel I'm begin...

Expose my application data and processed data as Web Service.

Assume I have a application that stores data,gets data and processes data and stores them in a database (which can be any).Say I want to expose my data as Web Services so that other systems can get the data they need for processing. Q1.Is there any standards to follow? I can create Web Services in C#,so are the enough to say or claim th...

What games gave you most helpful ideas and concepts for our profession?

We all like to play games from time to time. Playing games is not only a way to spend time, but often is a good source of concepts related to various parts of life and science. Examples: importance of good resource management and parallel execution early in the game in resource-constrained RTS's (e.g. Warcraft); importance of good risk...

Which programming concepts a beginner should learn in which order?

If someone wants to learn programming starting from scratch, in which order should I recommend to learn which programming concepts? Should he start with data-structures or algorithms. When obejct-oriented-programming should be introduced? Should he take a look at functional programming? Should he learn about pointers and heaps, even if I...

How can we provide external authentication like twitter API?

I always wonder how can the Twitter and many social network application provides the API for developer via registered app key. How can it granted and track the using of those external application? Can you answer me this question? because I alway wondering about this. ...

Comparing and updating array values in Python

I'm developing a Sirius XM radio desktop player in Python, in which I want the ability to display a table of all the channels and what is currently playing on each of them. This channel data is obtained from their website as a JSON string. I'm looking for the best data structure that would allow the cleanest way to compare and update t...