
Array Formulas in Conditional Formatting of Excel XML Spreadsheet files?

Excel usually treats Conditional Formatting formulas as if they are array formulas, except when loading them from an Excel 2002/2003 XML Spreadsheet file. This is only an issue with the Excel 2002/2003 XML Spreadsheet format... the native Excel format works fine, as does the newer Excel 2007 XML format (xlsx). After loading the spread...

How to Conditionally Format a String in .Net?

I would like to do some condition formatting of strings. I know that you can do some conditional formatting of integers and floats as follows: Int32 i = 0; i.ToString("$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00);Zero"); The above code would result in one of three formats if the variable is positive, negative, or zero. I would like to know if there is any...

VS 2008 #if conditional statement for unit testing

Is there a "#if DEBUG"-like conditional statement which can be used in VS 2008 for determining if the code is being run from a unit test? (We're using MS's built-in unit testing.) For example: #if !UNITTEST // Do some GUI stuff we don't want to see when unit testing #endif ...

Excel Conditional Formatting Self Reference

I'm trying to do some conditional formatting in Excel 2003, what I want to do is have a cell go red if the next cell is "Yes" and go bold if it, itself, contains "Yes". So if both cells are "Yes" the current cell will be red and bold. I want to do this for a group of cells so I haven't used a direct reference to the cell, but I have come...

Conditional Formatting in HTML Tags

Is there any option for using IF-ELSE conditioning in HTML tags <if true> do something </if> <else> do something </else> ...

Is there a way to do browser specific conditional CSS inside a *.css file?

Is there a way to do browser specific conditional CSS inside a *.css file? I want to define all of the styles inside of the same physical file. ...

Excel Interop: Range.FormatConditions.Add throws MissingMethodException

I am writing an application which uses the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel assembly to export/import data from Excel spreadsheets. Everything was going fine (except for 1 based indexing and all those optional parameters!), until I tried to use conditional formatting. When I call Range.FormatConditions.Add I get a MissingMethodException ...

Conditional comments not loading IE6 specific css file

I'm trying to override a few css selectors that are causing problems in IE6 by using the following code inside the head tag in an html file: <!--[if IE 6] <style type="text/css"> @import ("ie6.css"); </style> <![endif]--> This code comes after the main stylesheet loads, and no other stylesheets get loaded after the conditional com...

Adding conditional formatting and punctuation to a set of variables

I often need to list items separated by comma, space or punctuation, addresses are a classic example (This is overkill for an address and is for the sake of an example!): echo "L$level, $unit/$num $street, $suburb, $state $postcode, $country."; //ouput: L2, 1/123 Cool St, Funky Town, ABC 2000, Australia. As simple as it sounds, is the...

InfoPath: Clear a form field and then set it to read only

I have a check box and a text field in my InfoPath form. When the check box is unchecked, I would like to clear the field content and then mark it as read-only. I created a conditional formatting to mark the form as read-only and then a rule to clear the field content. However, I found that every time I enable both of them, the rule wil...

Excel Conditional Content/Formatting for Print vs. Screen and Page Breaks

I have a VBA publishing macro in Excel which generates a published workbook based on a master configuration worksheet and a number of worksheets with the data. The published version is straight data, still formatted, but with no formulas and with certain notes and background information suppressed. Basically, the master configuration c...

Can Excel Conditional Formatting use UDFs in the condition?

Hi, I have a cell in Excel that I want to format differently based on a user defined formula (UDF) - my formula tests whether there is a formula in the cell... I am trying to use conditional formatting with my UDF to format the cell - but it does not seem to be working. My condition is this: ="isManualPrice(R22C12)" I tried without...

Access Reports - Hiding Fields, Labels, and other elements based on data

I've been trying to format a report to provide a listing for prospectives vendors that shows a piece of equipment's model number, serial number, range, asset number, and calibration frequency. The concept is based on that this proposal, if accepted, would later become a purchase order - so fields such as if the work is to be performed i...

Pass value of a field to Silverlight ConverterParameter

Hi all, I'm writing my very first Silverlight app. I have a datagrid with a column that has two labels, for the labels, i am using an IValueConverter to conditionally format the data. The label's "Content" is set as such: Content="{Binding HomeScore, Converter={StaticResource fmtshs}}" and Content="{Binding AwayScore, Converter={...

Silverlight: Conditional Formatting based on Multiple Fields

Okay, still on my silverlight app here, what I need to do is to somehow perform conditional formatting on the cells of a datagrid, but the "conditional" part needs to be based upon the values of several different fields/properties in the datasource. I thought i could use the typical IValueConverter method of conditional formatting and ...

Table cell conditional formatting based on content using jQuery

I simply have a table with a bunch of ✔ X and a few other symbols, how can I change the class of a cell based on it's contents? jQuery example: $(function(){$("td:has('✔')").addClass("tick"); }); $(function(){$("td:has('X')").addClass("cross"); }); ...

How to control conditional display of partial views in ASP.NET MVC

In our standard web forms ASP.NET solutions we typically have a range of user controls within the master page and determine whether they display or not within their code behind. What is the best approach within ASP.NET MVC to achieve the same goal? You could obviously put if statements within the master page or the partial view but that...

Excel Conditional Formatting Using A Reference Range

I have a watch range with certain cells highlighted yellow. For each of these cells, there is a corresponding reference value all located within one column. I want to highlight all cells in my target range red for which the value in the corresponding reference cell matches the value in the target cells. The code I've come up with is a...

Excel: How to do DRY formatting?

I have some conditional formatting styles. I don't want to keep creating new rules for new ranges; I would rather follow DRY by declaring it once and referencing it elsewhere. I'm having difficulty doing this. The conditional formatting rule works fine when it's just one range. =Travel!$C$5:$P$8 However, I then try to add another ran...

Do ternary operators tend to bug / defect injection?

A discussion has come up in my office about the use of ternary operators. There are two sides to this discussion. Side 1) That ternary operators are easy to write and read, therefore convenience is a net cost-savings. Side 2) That ternary operators are difficult to maintain because they require excess code-churn should they ever need t...