
How to conditional highlight fields in a Microsoft Reporting Services RDL report?

I've got an RDL report that is a roster -- it's a grid: each row represents a day each column represents a task each cell contains the name of the person doing that task on that day. I'm serving the reports off a MS Reporting Server. I'd like to be able to highlight the cells that contain the name of the person viewing the report. ...

Are Excel's Conditional Formatting Formulas Broken

Ok, so I am using excel 2007, and am trying to do some fairly complicated conditional formatting. Consider the following: =1=1 Highlights the cell. =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(2,COLUMN()))=5 Highlights cells in a column where the second row has 5 in it. =AND(1=1,2=2) Highlights the cell. =AND(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(2,COLUMN()))=5,1=1) Highli...

SSRS Conditional Top Border Not Showing

My issue is occuring in Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services. It is happening in the preview area within Visual Studio and when exporting the report to .pdf from the report server, but it is displaying correctly when to deployed to the report server. This wouldn't be an issue, except for that the higher ups often export these reports to .p...

Excel 2007 3-color scale with negative values

Given the following data values 12 2 0 -2 -12 I want to add a 3-color scale conditional formatting to the values column such that cells < 0 are green = 0 are white > 0 are red Using formulas like =$A$1<0 for Minimum =$A$1=0 for Midpoint =$A$1>0 for Masximum does not seem to work. cell value > 0 is red, cell < 0 is green, but...

Conditionally format a Word document based on db-records

I realize that generally speaking I'm quite a bit of a newb, but here's what I'm trying to do: I have a sheet in Excel with all the details of the participants in a conference I'm organising. I want to send them all a letter with their personal programme. Using MailMerge (MS Office 2003), I can easily import their address-info into a ba...

Excel 2007 pastes conditional formats out of order.

I've noticed that when I copy and paste some cell ranges, that sometimes the conditions get pasted out of order, essentially changing the formatting scheme. Every time I paste this range of cells, I have to open the conditional formatting dialog and move the top format back to the bottom. I would love to know why this is happening, and...

Generating DDL (specific to postgres) Scripts Conditionally

My application does not fit into the "general purpose" RDBMS schema category, I do not want a ginormous DDL script -- therefore I would need #include semantics and I will probably have different variants of the scripts therefore I would need #ifdef semantics. Is GNU m4 the way to go ? Or perhaps there are some macro cabilities in psql ...

LINQ to DataSet - group by variable field, or join on a variable condition (with sum)

The following query works as long as I can add DataRelations. However, the relation "Table2Table3" may no longer be clearly defined, so I think I need to remove it. The old relation strictly joins on 2 string fields. The new relation exists if Table2.code = Table3.code and Table2.class = Table3.class OR Table2.code = Table3.code and Tabl...

ActiveReports Conditional Formatting - Picture Visibility

In ActiveReports, how can I change formatting based on values in the report data? Specifically, I want to show or hide pictures based on a value in the data. The report gets bound to a list of objects via a set to its DataSource property. These objects have a Condition property with values "Poor", "Normal", etc. I have some pictures in ...

JqGrid - AfterInsertRow, setCell. programmatically change the content of the cell

Hello there, I am new to JqGrid, so please bare with me. I am having some problems with styling the cells when I use a showlink formatter. In my configuration I set up the AfterInsertRow and it works fine if I just display simple text: afterInsertRow: function(rowid, aData) { if (aData.Security == `C`) { jQuery('#list').setCel...

Change cell color in Excel according to adjacent dropdown value

I understand how to make a dropdown list. I understand how to make conditional formatting change the color of a cell. What I do not understand is how to make conditional formatting change the color of a cell based solely on the state of another cell (not a comparison). A1 is a No / Yes dropdown list B1 is a criteria statement If the ...

Set the background color for a fixed range of cells

I have VBA code in an Excel spreadsheet. It is used to set the font and background color of a cell based on the value in that cell. I am doing it in VBA instead of "Conditional Formatting" because I have more than 3 conditions. The code is: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim c As Range, d As Range, fc As Long, bc As...

Excel 2007 Format Row of Cells containing certain text

I am attempting to perform conditional formatting in Excel 2007 by checking if a cell has a specific string in it and therefore highlighting the entire row corresponding to the text. However, Excel 2007's Conditional Formatting only allows me to highlight that specific cell. Is there a workaround to this without having to get my hands di... to conditionally replace a value with a string

Hi, my ANDROID app presents a listview, from a database cursor and XML, that needs to replace the values in a column with various words based on the integer value contained in the cursor. For example, if the value is -1, replace it with the word "Invalid", but if the value is >= 0 then just display the value. I was under the impression...

How can I detect the results of Conditional Formating using VBA?

I have an excel file that has conditional formating set up to put a check or an x in a cell. How can I create an if statement that will detect which is in there without using the original conditioning formulas? ...

Excel : Conditional formatting

I have two columns, **COL-A** **COL-B** 1 419 393 2 2199 1513 3 3 3 4 23 20 5 3 3 4 2964 2181 I want to have conditional formatting using color scales between each A1 B1, A2 B2, ... Currently when compared, 419 is g...

Link to another workbook using conditional formatting in Excel

How can i use conditional formatting to extract data from other workbook? I tried: =IF(LEFT(B26,3)="SSS",VLOOKUP(B26,'XXX.xls!$A$4:$E$119,4,FALSE)) But I get this error message: You may not link to other workbook via conditional formatting What can I do with this situation? People out there mentioned "define name" but I'm not...

ms-access: how to fit VERY long condition in conditional formatting

i have a very long condition. it's about 3000 characters access has only space for about one tenth of that. is there some other way to set conditional formatting on a textbox besides through the dialogue? can i do it in VBA? if so HOW? i have conditional formatting on a bunch of textboxes that trigger when the report is opened ...

interpreting shell commands within Bash if/else statements

While trying to make a conditional statement to check the amount of files in a directory, I have stumbled upon a problem. My initial way of writing this script: ELEM=`ls -l $DIR | wc -l` if [ $ELEM -lt 5 ] ; then Which works. However I want to move my $ELEM into the conditional parameter block so it can be interpreted when I reach ...

Excel find equal cells

Hi, lets say I have a xls sheet with just one column which has the following content: 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 You see there are some cells with equal content. Now I want Excel to format (e.g. background) all cells which are there twice. I would say that conditional formatting is the right way but there I always have to enter a certain cell...