
Mercurial, conflict, merging, further conflicts later on, does Mercurial remember initial resolution?

Imagine this scenario: Alice and Bob both clones a central master Mercurial repository, containing 1 text file Both Alice and Bob makes a change to the same line in the file, and commits Bob pushes back to the central repository, but not Alice Alice now pulls into her repository, notices she now has two heads, and merges Since the merg...

How do I keep a local version of a conclicted file in TFS?

I did a Get All from my TFS server, and there are a few dozen conflicts. I'd like to keep the local versions of these files, but the only option I'm given is "Overwrite Local Version". How do I tell it to keep my local copy? ...

Examples and patterns of 'angry monkeys' behavior

In his book "The Productive Programmer", Neil Ford references Dave Thomas' famous Angry Monkeys anecdote. I feel like it might not be easy sometimes to tell 'angry monkey' behavior from common sense or practical wisdom (as it appears during code reviews or implied by coding standards), because latter might not be backed by clear reasoni...

git stash and edited hunks

I totally love git add -p and git stash but I occasionally have the following problem, which is reproduced by the following sequence of commands: git add -p my_file: then I edit a hunk manually (using e) because the splitting that git suggests does not suit me git stash --keep-index: then I do some testing, and if the tests pass I do n...