
What could possibly cause JQuery's selector to break?

I am trying to get an element using JQuery's selector, but it does not find it even though the element actually exists. Moreover, I can actually find the element using getElementById. For example: $('#outputDiv') gives me a null value. But document.getElementById("outputDiv") returns me the Div I was trying to access. Any idea? ...

Libraries Conflict for Quartz

have a weird situation. I'm using Glassfish server for my Enterprise application. In that application i'm using JSF, Richfaces, Quartz, Jasper Reports, and Commons Email. When I build and deploy application to my dev. computer, dev and test servers, everything works fine. But when I deploy app to Production server with same glassfish I c...

jQuery $(document).ready(); declaring all the functions in it

Explanation: i have few objects and im declaring them inside $(document).ready(). WHY? because in thous objects i have many jquery methods $(..), obviously they can work outside too, but when i include mootool, then it stop working. i tried noConflict and some other things, nothing works, only if i change the $() to jQuery() or to $j()....

Preventing conflict between jquery prototype/plugin methods

Suppose i have a main js file on the website that contains some code as follows: $.fn.extend({ break: function(){ //code here }, cut: function(){ //code here }, // ...many other methods }); and i use it like so: $('#mydiv').break().animate() ... Now if i add an external jquery plugin file that also has a 'break' m...

GHC 6.12 and MacPorts

I recently installed (from the binary installers) GHC 6.12 and the Haskell Platform 2010.1.0.1 on my Intel MacBook running OS X 10.5.8, and initially, everything worked fine. Edit: I had to install cabal, alex, and happy from source, but after that, everything did seem to work fine. However, I discovered that if I use cabal install to ...

[C++] Skipping Incompatible Libraries at compile

When I try to compile a copy of my project on my local machine, I get an error stating that it 's skipping over incompatible libraries. This isn't the case when I'm messing around with the live version hosted on the server at work [it makes perfectly there]. Various other sites have lead me to believe that this might be an environment ...

Dealing with conflicting javascript libraries in a Rails 3 app

Id like to understand the best approach when using multiple (and conflicting) javascript libraries in a rails 3 app. Before the js conflict was raised, I used the application.html.erb template to define all javascript libraries template on all pages with: <%= javascript_include_tag :all %> I intended to cache all the js files into one...

JS embedded on other sites - how can I use jQuery without screwing up other jQuery installations?

I'm working on some JavaScript that will be embedded on other websites (think like Google Analytics or AdSense). There is some hardcore JS being done -- AJAX requests, animations, JSON(P). I've written the prototype using jQuery, and really want to keep using it, but this might cause a problem when embedded on the other sites if they al...