
Connection Reset on MySQL query

OK, I'm flummoxed. I'm trying to execute a query on a database (locally) and I keep getting a connection reset error. I've been using the method below in a generic DAO class to build a query string and pass to Zend_Db API. public function insert($params) { $loop = false; $keys = $values = ''; foreach($params as $k => $v){ ...

What can cause reset connection when running PHP script?

I've developed a web application with CodeIgniter that works perfectly on my local machines (one with windows and one with Linux). When I moved it to my hosting server, connection gets reset when running one particular PHP script that does a few MySQL queries and some operations on arrays. The data I'm querying is small, just a few tabl...

Python SSL communication hangs on read, then issues an error 54 - connection reset by peer

I'm making a web services call to a Microsoft CRM web service using Python/suds/python-ntlm, and my call to the service is blocking on an SSL read. The CRM service provider provides both a testing and a production service, and I can contact the testing service just fine (although it doesn't have useful data on it) but the main service ju...

WAMP Setup - Connection resets when php tries to access mysql

I'm trying to install wordpress on a server running windows 2000 (not server edition), apache 2.2, php 5.2.9, and Mysql 5. When I get to page 2 of the setup, where it tries to connect to MySQL to add the tables, the connection is reset. This isn't an isolated error because the same issue is happening when I try to log in to phpMyAdmin. ...

Connection Reset after concurrent AJAX and Standard form POST

Scenario: Own rolled jQuery Ajax post to validate an input field on unfocus Standard submit button for post on form If I cause validation to fire and wait until I see it complete in firebug then click save all is fine. If however I leave a change in a field and then click the submit button directly (so both ajax and standard post ha...