
Help troubleshooting SqlException: Timeout expired on connection, in a non-load situation

I have a server hosting a website of mine that has almost zero-traffic. A few people (< 20) enter the site every day, and a few RSS readers are subscribed to some feeds we put out. Almost every night, an RSS reader will hit us in the middle of the night and get an exception that the website can't connect to the SQL Server because of a T...

BlackBerry - How to make socket keep alive for infinite time

Hi I have created socket program in Blackberry. and also set socket to keep alive using the following socket = (SocketConnection); socket.setSocketOption(socket.KEEPALIVE, 2); But my socket connection gets terminated after 2-3 minute. Means if I keep Ideal for 2-3 minute for 2-3 minute then m...

MySQL connection timeout - MySQL server has gone away (Sinatra, ActiveRecord)

Hi, Here is an outline of my app: require 'sinatra' require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql", host => $DB_HOSTNAME, :database => $DB_NAME,:username => $DB_USERNAME,:password => $DB_PASSWORD) class Sometable < ActiveRecord::Base end get '/' do #stuff with Sometable end # a lot ...

How to reduce timeout period when sql 2005 database unavailable

Hi, I have some ASP (Classic) code that queries a SQL 2005 Express database. I'm currently handling programmatically if this DB goes down by handling the error when someone tries to connect and can't. I capture the error and bypass subsequent db queries to this database using a session variable. My problem is that this first query take...

Connection with MySql is being aborted automaticly. How to configure Connector/J properly?

I read this advice from error message: You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem. I'm using Spring and JPA. W...

Sql Server SMO connection timeout not working

I have the following PowerShell code: function Get-SmoConnection { param ([string] $serverName = "", [int] $connectionTimeout = 0) if($serverName.Length -eq 0) { $serverConnection = New-Object ` Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection } else { $serverConnection...

sqlclient - connection timeout or command timeout

Hi folks, I get the following error upon running a query. * System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) * Is this a connection timeo...

Network time out when trying to connect ipod touch to my server

Hi, I have an ipod touch program that should receive messages from a server program on my mac. To make sure that the touch can receive messages from a computer other than a mac, I programmed the server in C++. If I run both the server and the ipod app on the same computer (the app running on the simulator), the connection is fine and eve...

Sql connection waits 15 seconds despite 3 seconds timeout in connection string

Hi, I have a website using Microsoft SQL 2008 server over local network. Sometimes, SQL server machine is rebooted, and so the website fails to connect to the database. If the machine is up and running, it will respond fast. If it's down, there is no need to wait for 15 seconds. 3 seconds are ok. I want to display apologizes on the web...

Shortening socket timeout using Timeout::timeout(n) does not seem to work for me

I found what I thought should work perfectly at but, it did not work for me. I have Ruby 1.9.1 installed on Windows and, when I try the example "is_port_open" test, it does not work. The socket call still takes around 20 seconds to timeout no matter what value I set for the ti...

PHP file_get_contents ignoring timeout?

$url = 'http://a.url/i-know-is-down'; //ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 5); $ctx = stream_context_create(array( 'http' => array( 'timeout' => 5, 'ignore_errors' => true ) ) ); $start = microtime(true); $content = @file_get_contents($url, false, $ctx); $end = microtime(true); echo $end - $start, "\n"; ...