
Webserver concurrent connections

Where can I get statistics of concurrent connections that can be handled by Apache and IIS? Which one will serve more requests in peak times? Thank you, Sri ...

Using R to download zipped data file, extract, and import data

@EZGraphs on Twitter writes: "Lots of online csvs are zipped. Is there a way to download, unzip the archive, and load the data to a data.frame using R? #Rstats" I was also trying to do this today, but ended up just downloading the zip file manually. I tried something like: fileName <- "" con1 <...

How do you measure the number of open database connections

I am trying to determine if I have a database connection leak. So I need to see the number of open connections. I have some simple test code that creates a leak: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SqlConnection sql = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\SQLExpress;UID=sa;PWD=fjg^%k...

Testing http connections on device

Hallo, developing a bb app I need to make http connections to get files, images etc. In simulator all works, but not in device. I bought a BlackBerry but I want to test my app without a sim then without a bes. How do I need to set my device? and how do I have to compose my url? I just have a bb device with wifi available Thanks all :)...

MySQL active connections at once, Windows Server

Hi, I have read every possible answer to this question and searched via Google in order to find the correct answer to the following question, but I am rather a novice and don't seem to get a clear understanding. A lot I've read has to do with web servers, but I don't have a web server, but an intranet database. I have a MySQL dsatabase ...

Number of concurrent Sql Server connections

I am creating a .net application, with a Sql Server db engine. I would like my site to be accessed by thousands of users per second. What does the number of connections rely on? How many connection can IIS hold, and Sql Server? ...

How do multiple clients connect simultaneously to one port, say 80, on a server?

Hi I understand the basics of how ports work. However, what I don't get is how multiple clients can simultaneously connect to say port 80. I know each client has a unique (for their machine) port. Does the server reply back from an available port to the client, and simply state the reply came from 80? How does this work? ...

apache2 ignores MaxKeepAliveRequests, closes connections arbitrarily

We have a Tomcat front-end server that proxies to our Apache 2.2.11 app server, running on a 64-bit Fedora EC2 2xlarge instance (AKI aki-b51cf9dc). Apache is running mod_perl and is not threaded. We are trying to have the connections persist for a long time between Tomcat, running on another EC2 instance, and the Apache server...

C# HTTP request Max connections

Hi all, We have a number of webservers(15) and for each server have a number of URLs(30). I have written a Windows Desktop app that goes out and hits each server and each url combo. (using the httpWebRequest.Proxy to do this). It's usually just for 2 servers at a time. So a total of 60 requests. The first problem was the 2 connection li...

postgres connections exceeding max_connections?

we are running a very connection-heavy, insert-heavy postgres database (to the point that we should've done some connection pooling, but there's no time now). when doing some troubleshooting, i was using netstat to show me how many connections there were to postgres. i would commonly see more than what i had specified in the postgres.c...

How should i have my connection to the database

Hii , I am developing an application where I ran across into this problem ...I have this GUI where in I have many buttons ... Each button performs some action like INSERT , SELECT , UPDATE , DELETE , VIEW etc... on a database . My question is ... Is it better to have a single connection open for the entire lifetime of this particular...

Updating All OLEDB Connections in Excel 2007 via Macro

Hi team, I don't profess to be any master of Excel, so when these things arrive I can generally write a best-effort macro to sort out any bulk updates, but this one has me stumped. When we migrate our reports that connect to an OLEDB source and Cube they are coming across with the following two connection settings: .RefreshOnFileOpen...