
Correct way to duplicate Delphi object

What are pros and cons of duplication an object instance with constructor or instance function? Example A: type TMyObject = class strict private FField: integer; public constructor Create(srcObj: TMyObject); overload; //alternatively: //constructor CreateFrom(srcObj: TMyObject); property Field: integer read ...

In javascript, what is a constructor? And what isn't?

I'm using a plugin for jQuery. It works great in webkit, but when I try it in firefox I get the following firefox error: google.maps.Geocoder is not a constructor $('.to, .from').geo_autocomplete(new google.maps.Geocoder, { Here is all the jquery: $('.to, .from').geo_autocomplete(new google.maps.Geocoder, { mapkey: 'ABQIAAAAbnvDoAoY...

Scala extra no-arg constructor plus default constructor parameters

I am using the Scala 2.8 default parameters on a constructor, and for Java compatibility reasons, I wanted a no-arg constructor that uses the default parameters. This doesn't work for very sensible reasons: class MyClass(field1: String = "foo", field2: String = "bar") { def this() = { this() // <-- Does not compile, but how...

PHP accessing protected constructor

I know it is very uncommon to use protected methods or constructors. I have read discussions about this on SO and other sites. The task I've got is rather simple. I have to access protected methods/constructors from my program. All attributes/methods must be declared as protected. My code can be reduced to this. I'm basically asked to d...

Question regarding const qualifier and constructor

Here is simple program. If I comment constructor, I get an error Just wanted to check what is the reason for this? In function 'int main(int, char**)': error: uninitialized const 'const_test' #in...

Why is my static class not being initialized in ASP.NET MVC?

I have a ASP.NET MVC project that has a static class in it to initialize some AutoMapper mappings: static class AutoMappingConfiguration { static AutoMappingConfiguration() { SetupMappings(); } static void SetupMappings() { AutoMap.CreateMap<Product, ProductDTO>(); // more mappings } } ...

How to get AOP-like object beforeConstruction hooks in Javascript properly?

Hi there, I'm trying to dynamically alter all objects in Javascript so that its construction can be hooked. This is what I've got now, which almost works properly: Function.prototype.beforeConstruction = function(newFunc) { var oldObj = this; var newObj = function() { newFunc.apply(this, arguments); oldObj.apply(...