
how to obtain the client id of a ContentPlaceHolder in an easy manner?

i need to add JavaScript calls in some controls attributes, i am using master pages but in order to obtain the contentplaceholder client id i am iterating over the forms controls. is there another way to obtain in the server side code of the content page? foreach (Control control in this.Form.Controls) { ...

Error when using link href inside my ContentPlaceHolder

I am using a MasterPage in my project... This this the link i need to place inside my ContentPlaceHolder of my Dedault.aspx page <link href="jquery/imagebox/imagebox.css" rel="stylesheet" /> But i get a error "Element link cannot be nested within element td" Any idea what to do? ...

ContentPlaceHolders: Repeated Content

Scenario I have an application using Master Pages in which I would like to repeat some content at the top and bottom of a page. Currently i use something like this: Master Page <html> <body> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="Foo" runat="server"> </asp:ContentPlaceHolder> <!-- page content --> <asp:ContentPlaceHold...

Embed ContentPlaceHolder between double quotes

I am using .NET MVC, and within view pages I set a contentplaceholder that contains an ID to be used on the master page like so: View page: <asp:Content ID="CDomBodyId" ContentPlaceHolderID="DomBodyId" runat="server">LmpDemoRequests</asp:Content> Master page: <body id='<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="DomBodyId" runat="server"></asp:Cont...

Should I be able to understand this ContentPlaceHolder behavior?

Hi, My goal is to be able to define a class for the element in a child page. On my master page I have the following: <body class="<myown:AttributePlaceHolder runat="server" ID="BodyCssClass"/>"> The AttributePlaceHolder derives from ContentPlaceHolder, and just strips out any linebreaks and extra spaces from its content. The problem...

Testing to see if ContentPlaceHolder content has been overridden by a child page?

Hi all, I'm currently migrating a .net 1.1 application to .net 3.5. The .net 1.1 application has a number of number of page + usercontrol's that I would like migrated to masterpages. My issue is trying to test progmatically to see if the masterpage's contentplaceholders content has been overridden by a child page. Is it possible...

How to replace text in a PowerPoint (.ppt) document?

What solutions are there? I know only solutions for replacing Bookmarks in Word (.doc) files with Apache POI? Are there also possibilities to change images, layouts, text-styles in .doc and .ppt documents? I think about replacement of areas in Word and PowerPoint documents for bulk processing. Platform: MS-Office 2003 ...

How to have a link in one placeholder open a ModalPopup in a different placeholder ?

I have a page with different placeholders. In one of them, I have a link that I want to open a modal popup in a second placeholder (using the ajaxtoolkit ModalPopupExtender) : <asp:Content ID="content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="placeholder1" Runat="Server"> <asp:LinkButton ID="link" runat="server" Text="Popup link" /> </asp:Content> <a...

ASP.NET MVC ContentPlaceHolder overriding hard-coded content

This is what I have in the aspx page: <head runat="server"> <title>Website - <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="HeadContent" runat="server" /></title> </head> This is what's in the view: <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server"> Homepage </asp:Content> For some reason, this HTML is generated: <...

Why can't I override the default master page content in a SharePoint publishing page?

So I've setup a site collection using the Publishing Portal template and stubbed out a prototype site structure including three tiers. At the second tier I've created a Publishing site and developed a custom master page for the site and its third tier children. The problem is that the banner graphic on a few pages should be modified to...

Use ContentPlaceHolder's default content instead of page's content

When a page that uses a master page doesn't have an asp:Content control for one of the master page's ContentPlaceHolders, the default content is shown instead. I want to use that default content on a page that does have an asp:Content control for that ContentPlaceHolder. In the page that uses the master page I want to decide in code whe...

how to add controls to the masterpage's content placeholder programmatically

On the base.master: <%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Base.master.cs" Inherits="WebApplicationControlTest.Base" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <...

Content Placeholder Javascript Object Expected Error

I have the following code behind that was, until recently, working fine and dandy! tbxProdAC.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#" + GridView1.ClientID + "').remove(); $('#" + radProdAC.ClientID + "').attr('checked', true); $('#" + ddlBuyer.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Buyer--'); $('#" + ddlSub.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Sub Category--...

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected

Hello all I have honestly tried several different avenues from google on this erro but I am hitting my head against a brick wall. I have this bit of jquery in my code behind: tbxProdAC.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('radProdAC.ClientID').attr('checked', true); $('ddlBuyer.ClientID').val('--Choose Buyer--'); $('ddlSub.ClientID').val('--C...

Asp.Net Mvc - ContentPlaceHolder- Javascript

Depending on which page I am, I would like the content of a javascript function to change. Example : MasterPage <script type="text/javascript">; Cufon.replace('p#characters', { fontFamily: 'Helvetica95-Black' }); </script> Page A <script type="text/javascript">; Cufon.replace('p#characters', ...

MVC: C#: display content of a contentPlaceholder twice

Hi I'm writing an MVC C# application. I use a masterPage and have the title and content of other pages put in contentPlaceholders, which are displayed on the master page. On the MasterPage, I want the TitleContent written in both the <title> tag and in the <body> section (in a <h1> tag). I'm not allowed to do this, because for some od...

FormView templates break when refactored to Master/Content

Let's say I have an abstract class IA, with subclasses A1, A2, A3. For each subclass, I had a page with a FormView to insert/edit/view, with code specific to that class. The templates for insert/edit/view are all very similar, so it was mostly cut & paste, and the compiler had no problem that there were controls with the same IDs in t...

jQuery document.ready + Asp.Net ContentPlaceholder cause Visual Studio intellisence problems

Hi! I want to execute JavaScript when document is ready without much syntax overhead. The idea is to use Site.Master and ContentPlaceholder: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { <asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="OnReadyScript" runat="server" /> }); </script> and in inherited pages just write plain...

ASP.NET Possible to feed a single content placeholder from multiple places?

Is it possible to feed a single Master Page Content Placeholder from multiple areas in the child page? Something like a string builder? ...

Embedded Javascript in Master Page or Pages That Use Master Page throw "Object Expected Error"

I'm semi-new to writing ASP.Net applications using master pages and I've run into an issue I've spent some time on but can't seem to solve. My situation is that I have a master page with a structure that looks like this: <head runat="server"> <title>Test Site</title> <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Default.css"...