
SQL Server Triggers Firing Each other Question

I have an auditing trigger that automatically places the time something was updated and the user that updated in fields in all my tables. I have another set of triggers that write event information from updates to an events table. The issue is when someone updates something, the event information is fired twice because of the first trigg... Page loading twice when making an underlying connection

Hi I have a aspx page that seems to be loading twice when I enter the Url to the page. In this page's loading event, I'm making an connection to a server to retrieve a document and then I output the downloaded bytes to the output stream of the page. This is causing the page to load twice for some strange reason. If I hard code a byte ...

C# Writing to the output stream

This code will always make my aspx page load twice. And this has nothing to do with AutoEventWireup. Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=data.pdf"); Response.BufferOutput = true; byte[] response = GetDocument(doclocation); Response.AddHeader("Content-L...

MySQL pagination without double-querying?

Hi all, I was wondering if there was a way to get the number of results from a MySQL query, and at the same time limit the results. The way pagination works (as I understand it), first I do something like query = SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `table` WHERE `some_condition` After I get the num_rows(query), I have the number of results. But th...

iPhone UIImage - Image Randomizer Crashes If It Comes Across the Same Image Twice

I am building a game that pulls images randomly. After doing some testing I have realized if the same image is called twice, it crashes. I learned this by after completing the first game, I returned to the games main menu and selected to play again. I ended up getting an image which was already displayed to me in my previous game and ...

Prevent decorator from being used twice on the same function in python

I have a decorator: from functools import wraps def d(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): print 'Calling func' return f(*args,**kwargs) return wrapper And I want to prevent it from decorating the same function twice, e.g prevent things such as: @d @d def f(): print 2 Only possible solution I co...

Why is CakePHP hashing my password twice?

Hi, im Using CakePHPs standard Auth mechanism, but I have some problems with that. Everytime a user logges in the password got hashed twice. I have the Auth Component in the var $componets Array in the app_controller.php and one in the var $components Array from my users_controller where the login action is defined. I have defined a ...

On forcing download: File Download dialog opens twice in IE6 SP1

My ASP.Net page is supposed to create a document and force its download (open a "File Download" dialog). It works fine on most browsers but for some reason, on IE6 SP1 (windows 2000) the "File Download" dialog opens twice. Any ideas why? My very simple code (C#): protected void bnCreateDocument_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...

jQuery - only fires on second click when changing iframe src

I'm trying to change the src of an iframe upon submitting a form. The iframe src won't change unless I hit the submit button twice. However, if I just change the input 'type' for my submit button to 'text', it works on the first click - but obviously doesn't submit the form. <script> $(document).ready(function() { $("#form1").su...

MVC: C#: display content of a contentPlaceholder twice

Hi I'm writing an MVC C# application. I use a masterPage and have the title and content of other pages put in contentPlaceholders, which are displayed on the master page. On the MasterPage, I want the TitleContent written in both the <title> tag and in the <body> section (in a <h1> tag). I'm not allowed to do this, because for some od...

Javascript fires two events - onkeypress and onclick

Problem is when I press a key over a radio button, element MyFunc fires twice - once for "onkeypress" event, another time for "click" event. Question "Why?" I need to handle this by two different ways, but now I can not recognize what initial event was. When I click a mouse it fires just for "click" event. <ul> <li> <input...

jQuery: textbox keyup firing twice

hi, i'm having a textbox and assigned the following function (it's the only function assigned): txt.bind("keyup",function(event){ if(event.keyCode==13) { var nu = $("#debug").html(); nu+="<br>enter"; $("#debug").html(nu); } }); the strange thing is that it's actually firing twice, thus displaying "...

Where To Call Custom Method? viewDidLoad, viewWillLoad...

I am loading some info from a server. I have created a separate method to do this. I am then calling [self myCustomMethod] to run the method. No matter where I call [self myCustomMethod] (initWithNibName, viewDidLoad, viewWillLoad, viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear), the custom method is getting called twice - what's the deal? ...

Why page_load is called twice in my web application?

Hi, I have already gone through some of the posts in many websites regarding page_load being called twice but my problem is little bit different from those. My problem is with the landing page of my web application. Initially in my website page_load for the landing page was getting called twice every time when it is loaded. Since my a...

Why and how System.Threading._TimerCallback.PerformTimerCallback(object state) event gets called?

I am working on a web application. I noticed that one of my pages is getting called twice. On studying the call stack trace for this page_load event, I found that the second time page_event is called it is called from the event: System.Threading._TimerCallback.PerformTimerCallback(object state) I am not sure why and how this event gets...

How to avoid nginx+passenger logging each request two times

I have nginx(0.7.64) with passenger(2.2.9) over ruby(1.8.7) Enterprise Edition. When I operate from script/console, log behaves normal, but whenever nginx receives a request, it is logged twice. I have two different rails apps in separate vhosts (like the one bellow) and it happens in both (one is in development and one in production)....

jquery draggable get its content JS fired twice

I noticed the first time you drag it around and then cancel the dragging, the js in the dragged item will fire another time, after that, everything seems normal, any idea? ...

How to evalute a string twice in Powershell

anyone know how to evalute a string twice in powershell? from example $l1 = yes $l2 = no for (i=0;i -lt 2; i++) { echo $1$i } ...

Problem with Jquery append on hover appending twice?

Okay, so I'm trying to achieve something like you have in the back end of Wordpress where when you hover over a row in the the table of posts, it displays the edit, trash and preview links. However, when I try this, it appends the links twice which is a bit of a problem. I read that the hover fires functions off twice on hover in chrom...

WPF web browser navigating is getting called twice & hence seeing navcancl.htm page

Hi, we are implementing a WPF webbrowser in our desktop application in c#. The browser is given the uri and its purpose is to display the same. It works fine but sometimes it displays the navcancl.htm page. Upon debugging we found that in this case our URI is getting changed by appending res://C:\WINDOWS\system32\shdoclc.dll/navcancl.h...