



Problem is when I press a key over a radio button, element MyFunc fires twice - once for "onkeypress" event, another time for "click" event.

Question "Why?" I need to handle this by two different ways, but now I can not recognize what initial event was. When I click a mouse it fires just for "click" event.

        <input type="radio" onkeypress="MyFunc(event, this)" onclick="MyFunc(event, this)" name="myList" id="MyId_1" />Topic 1
        <input type="radio" onkeypress="MyFunc(event, this)" onclick="MyFunc(event, this)" name="myList" id="MyId_2" />Topic 2

function MyFunc(e, obj) {
    alert(e.type); // alerts "keypress" and then "click"
    // Do my stuff

Thank you for help!


you could add a 3rd parameter to your function

function MyFunc(e, obj, click) {
    if (click) { } // do stuff
    else { } // do other stuff

Now add in a bool to your events...

<input type="radio" onkeypress="MyFunc(event, this, false)" onclick="MyFunc(event, this, true)" name="myList" id="MyId_1" />Topic 1
<input type="radio" onkeypress="MyFunc(event, this, false)" onclick="MyFunc(event, this, true)" name="myList" id="MyId_2" />Topic 2
The problem is that they fire simultaneously. I can recognize what was clicked using e.type property. It returns "keypress" or "click".
+1  A: 

The onclick Event is fired, when the radio button gets selected. Since you select it by pressing a key, both events will get fired. First the onkeypress event and the the onclick event.

But how do you prevent this from occuring?
Todd Moses
You can't prevent this behaviour as far as I know.
It is very strange. What is the point to handle these events together? :-/

Use onMouseDown instead of onclick within JavaScript and for consistency add you onKeyPress event here too - taking the event out of the HTML tag.

Sudo Code:

var myRadioButton = document.getElementById('radio');


 //code to do stuff

Check out jQuery: for the actual code and easy way to write your JavaScript.

Todd Moses
I will try it. I think I tryed onMouseDown, but I worked like OnClick. Maybe addListener helps. Will come back soon with results.
I've tried this solution using jQuery. It did not help. "OnMouseDown" did not fired anything. It just did not call my function. If I user "OnClick" with addListener it gives the same problem. I do not have any solution right now. Any ideas?

I would create two separate handlers: one for the click event and one for they keypress.

Then your handlers can extract whatever you need from the event and call a third function that has the common logic.

Your onkeypress would have to ignore the event for the space and enter keys. I don't understand why you are listening to the keypress event though. Could you elaborate? If you explain what you'll do, maybe we can be more helpful.

Juan Mendes