
How to extract the contents of an OLE container?

I need to break open a MS Word file (.doc) and extract its constituent files ('[1]CompObj', 'WordDocument' etc). Something like 7-zip can be used to do this manually but I need to do this programatically. I've gathered that a Word document is an OLE container (hence why 7-zip can be used to view its contents) but I can't work out how to...

Getting the contents of an element WITHOUT its children

I have a mild preference in solving this in pure JS, but if the jQuery version is simpler, then jQuery is fine too. Effectively the situation is like this <span id="thisone"> The info I want <span id="notthisone"> I don't want any of this nonsense </span> </span> I effectively want to get The info I want but not The info I want I...

Erasing the contents of an input / textarea when it's clicked?

Hi there, to make editing of these fields easier, I'd be nice if their contents were deleted when they're clicked. Also, the default value (presented initially) needs to be submitted if it hasn't changed, this means I'm (probably) not looking for a(n HTML 5) placeholder which gets erased automatically, but actual text. Would be even bet...

Remove specific subsection from TOC in LaTeX

Appendix A Section 1 A.1 Subsection 1 A.2 Subsection 2 B Section 2 Is there a way to get rid of Subsection n, but still have the subsection numbered in the document (i.e. not using \subsection*)? I thought about limiting the TOC depth, but that does not seem to be possible for just the Appendix? ...

PHP file get contents with URL returns getaddrinfo failure

Hello, I am trying to get the (pre-processed) content of an external PHP file: file_get_contents(''); When I do this, I get an error: Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known in /Applicatio...

PHP file_get_contents after php has evaluated

Hey guys, I know how to use file_get_contents and fopen etc, but when I do it to one of my own file, I get the literal string, meaning, the code is not preprocessed! How can i import text from a file without using require etc. because I want to store the value into a string ...

jQuery contents() find the page height of anchor link in iFrame

I have an iFrame that when loaded stretches his whole length without scrollbars. After 1 second I want to scroll to an anchor in the iFrame. I think I need to get it's height? How can I do this? HTML: <iframe id="help-frame" src="help.php" scrolling="no"><\/iframe> JS: $("#help-frame").load(function() { document.getElementById...