
IE is activex control installed?

hi guys, simple question:How I control my activex is installed on the client? ...

Looking for a Spider ActiveX Control (for vb6)

The control needs to behave like a Spider/Gantt control, but with a small difference, i need vertical lines on the x axis. ...

Best way to set the selection of a flex control that hasn't initialized yet

To illustrate the Q. I'll really over-simplify the example (in reality the code is much more convoluted). Say you have a flex control, which underneath contains a datagrid. Something like <mx:DataGrid id="grid" dataProvider="{document.items}"> <mx:columns> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Column 1" dataField="@name"/> <mx:D...

Asp.Net User Control Event Wireup from aspx file

I've got a user control that has an event that I can subscribe to. This works (ignore syntax): protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { ucControl.Event += new Event(ucControl_Event); } but if I removed this line and put the event wire up in my aspx page, it doesn't work. Ex: <uc1:ucControl id="uc_Control1" runat="ser...

InfoPath 2007: Developing custom control with C#

Hi, I'm developing a custom control using C# to provide drop down list with auto-complete (type-ahead) functionality. My control is working fine expect that it is taking the values list directly from a WS, my customer want it to take the values from a secondary data-source inside the form. Is there a way for a custom control (.net code...

Asp.Net Textbox spell checker control

Hi, Does anyone know if any spell checker controls exist for Asp.Net textboxes? I need a control that will check the textbox currently being edited by the user and prompt them of spelling mistakes. Thanks in advance. ...

Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality?

In the course of my maintenance for an older application that badly violated the cross-thread update rules in winforms, I created the following extension method as a way to quickly fix illegal calls when I've discovered them: /// <summary> /// Execute a method on the control's owning thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="uiElement">Th...

C# making a tab, adding controls to the tab, and then having multiple tabs of that type

TabPage newpage = new TabPage(); Tabs.TabPages.Add(newpage); newpage.Controls.Add(this.tableLayoutPanel41); newpage.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 26); newpage.Name = "AddMaintAgreement" + offset; newpage.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(736, 523); newpage.TabIndex = 10; newpage.Text = "Add Maintenance Agreement"; newpage.UseVisual...

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application?

How do you add a scrollbar to a Panel control with many controls in windows form application? ...

How to send relative mouse movement to another pc

I catch the windows mouse movement events and calculate an relative mouse movement to send it to another pc. So far so good, works well. But if I block the mouse movement on the screen that is sending the mouse coordinates (the client) or reach one side of the screen, there is a second mouse event fired by the windows api, that snaps th...

ASP.NET: Scroll to control

I've got a particularly large form in an page. When the form is validated and a field is invalid, I want to scroll the window to that control. Calling the control's Focus() doesn't seem to do this. I've found a JavaScript workaround to scroll the window to the control, but is there anything built into ASP.NET? ...

Internet Explorer control won't load CSS and JS

I have embedded an IE control in a Win32 app. The only purpose of this app is to ensure that a URl is always loaded and being refreshed every N minutes. My problem is that almost always the first time the URL is accessed the CSS and JS files are not loaded. This behavior repeats randomly while the application is running. My webserver i...

How do I get javascript onto a control which might be initially hidden in ASP.NET?

I have a control that on 1 page is initially shown, but on another page is initially hidden. For the page that initially shows the control, the javascript in the control works fine, but for the page that initially hides the control, the javascript doesn't work. I've ended up registering the javascript in the code behind using: this.Pa...

whats the best way to pass data to user components in

its .net 2.0 here, not MVC, and im crap at asp forms :(. So yeah, ive got a page with user controls on it. When i click on something in the page, i want to load the usercontrol based on a parameter from the page. Problem is i cant do it. In my page's FaultTree_Clicked, i get the value, then ive tried a variety of things: I tried exp...

Windows XP control panel control for Windows forms

I'd like to have an application with an UI similar to Windows XP control panel. Does anybody knows of a control with the same icon view? Thanks ...

VLC remotely control from C#

Hello, i'm trying to control the VLC Media Player from C#. I tried getting a handle on the window with the FindWindow() command from .Net but as i found out the name of the window changes every time a file is played. The biggest problem i have is sending wm_commands to vlc..This approach worked with Winamp and Windows Media Player but wi...

Disabling Required Field Validators server-side of checkbox is checked

I have a Custom Control that has multiple textbox fields and a checkbox contained within it. If the checkbox is checked, and the user submits the form, I need to allow them to continue if the textbox's are empty (and the checkbox is checked). I have to implement this without javascript. The problem is that on the OnInit event of the C...

creating dynamic controls using ajax on

I have button Add and Remove on my page. Add button adds one checkbox, two textboxes and one dropdownlist to a new line on my page. Remove button removes them. I have this running nicely by following Joe Stagner's example. Problem: The controls that are created dynamically all need to fire the same event when checked (for checkboxes), ...

Wizard Control in ASP.NET - How to set the NextButton Causesvalidation property to false

I have tried setting it in the code and also in the markup but when the Next Button is clicked, the page is validated, I want to prevnt this from happening and control when validation should occur and when not. Any suggestions or code samples would be appreciated ...

Printing ASP.NET 3.5 Chart Control

Hey Everyone, Any info out there on how to print the generated charts in say PDF format? They look fabulous on screen but the end users want to print them and file as needed. ...