
How to pass parameters while calling controller's function using jquery

I am using below function to call a function on controller: function getPartialView(actionUrl, targetDiv, ajaxMessage, callback) { showAjaxMessage(targetDiv, ajaxMessage); $.get(actionUrl, null, function (result) { $(targetDiv).html(result); callback(); }); } and calling it like t...

In ASP.NET MVC controller, can I get the view result by calling an action on a different controller

I tried to simply new up a different controller and then calling the action method. The return value is of type ViewResult and the model was created, but the View is null. I guess the context in which the runtime tries to find the correct view is wrong. How can I achieve this? Background Trying to see if a template controller can use ...

What is the advantage of using multiple Controller classes in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm just learning the basics of ASP.NET MVC and am wondering what the benefit is in breaking up website logic amongst multiple controllers versus just having a single Controller class that runs the whole website, besides simply organizing code better. (In my opinion, just the latter benefit should not be enough to affect the end user via...

Rendering different controller actions in Rails when using resource-oriented controllers

Say I'm making a Q&A site like StackOverflow. I have two resources: Question and Answer. I'm using default Rails RESTful resource routes, so each resource has its own controller and methods for creating it. In the /questions/show view, I want to allow the user to submit an answer for the particular question. The form will POST to /answe...

C++ input question

Hello! I am attempting to build a small local-purpose 3d engine, which has to be platform-independent and right now I'm looking for a way to handle different possible types of user input. This, obviously, includes mouse / keyboard events and possibly, another analogue controllers (joysticks, for example). I can think of several ways to...

CakePHP: how to use a model in the app_controller

Hi, Iv got a method in a model that I want to be executed everytime a page is requested so I think I need to call it from the app_controller but can't seem to get it to work. The model i want to use is called Blacklist and it has a method in it called check_blacklist() which is what I want to run every time a page is requested. Does anyo...

redirect on conditions after saving a record

hi, I have a users controller, where if I add a user I want to redirect based on the usertype a user selects on making his account the situation: users table id name usertype_id The user add form has a select box for user type, I have two types of users: teachers and students (each another table, model, controller) if the user cho...