
Convert Audio file into MP3 format using C#

Hello, is there any way to convert all type of audio files into MP3 format. in my website... i have one control which plays MP3 files[audio]. but i have to provide facility to upload any kind of audio file[as i am developing audio gallary] and play it in my website.. if there is better solution to upload and play audio files in the web...

Random int 1-255 to character in C

I have a function that returns an integer, between 1 and 255. Is there a way to turn this int into a character I can strcmp() to an existing string. Basically, I need to create a string of letters (all ASCII values) from a PRNG. I've got everything working minus the int to char part. There's no Chr() function like in PHP. ...

what is the best way to convert html to postscript? in java

hello what is the best way ( if there is any ) in java to convert html with css2 support to postscript file ? ...

Converting to date in PHP from yyyymmdd format

I have dates in the following format (yyyymmdd, 18751104, 19140722)... what's the easiest way to convert it to date().... or is using mktime() and substrings my best option...? ...

Converting rgb images to grayscale and renaming them using matlab

Hello, I have 500 images named Image1.tif all the way to Image500.tif and I need to convert all of them to grayscale and save them as Image1A.tif to Image500A.tif. Is there a quick way to do this? Thank you. ...

html2text library

There is utility html2text in linux. How can i use its or similar library in my c++ code? For example to convert html which was retrieved from any site to a readable text. ...

my first iPhone app and i'm stuck.

hello all. i've decided to give this iPhone App development a kick. to help add perspective to this i've never programmed in any form of C or for any anything on the Mac other than Applescript. i've created plenty of solutions using blends of Applescript, Classic ASP, Perl, even PostScript. i'm home brewed so i don't understand all the m...

Convert.ChangeType to System.Type

Hi, I have a System.Type stored in a variable. I wish to Change an object's type to this type. I have the following code, but cannot get the Type to change to the type. Ideally I'd like: var intTest3 =(MyType)Convert.ChangeType(test, MyType); to return an int, when : MyType is a System.Int32 Here's my working so far - where am I g...

Is there a way to convert my Console Application into a Windows Forms Application in C#?

I created a console application, but I want to turn it into a windows forms application. I found This and it appeared to be what I needed, but I got an error message when I tried to use using System.Windows.Forms; This is the error message I got: Error 1 The type or namespace name 'Windows' does not exist in the namespace 'Syst...

Converting WPF application to Silverlight with use of Access database

Hey, I was wondering if it is possible to convert a wpf application to silverlight without days of work. Yes, i know there's a similar post, but dates from 2008, so outdated according to me because of the fast progress in silverlight. i have a wpf application that uses a 2003 access database (orders :)) and my client wants a silverlig...

Link to text PHP

I'm already using this which I found on the net, for whenever I want to edit the information and there is already a converted link which is done by adding a new post, I need this to remove the link into text then when it's submitted to be updated, it will use this function to convert it into a link. function Links($text) { $text = ...

Curl to conversion

Hi, ive searched everywhere and cannot find how to post data using So i was wondering if someone can convert this curl code I made into :) $useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/"; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent); curl_...

convert ordinary web project to silverlight supported application

Hi, I have a dotnet web solution. I wish to include the silverlight technologies into it. Can you tell how do I proceed. I am new to might be this question a blunder :( ...

Objective C Convert int to NSString (iPhone)

I have the following code that is meant to convert milliseconds into hours, mins and seconds: int hours = floor(rawtime / 3600000); int mins = floor((rawtime % 3600000) / (1000 * 60)); int secs = floor(((rawtime % 3600000) % (1000 * 60)) / 1000); NSLog(@"%d:%d:%d", hours, mins, secs); NSString *hoursStr = [NSString stringWithFor...

Convert percent value to decimal value in PHP

Hello, How to convert percent value to decimal value in PHP to be used in a computation? Example: 6.15% = .0615 Thanks! ...

Convert DateTime Value into String in Mysql

I want to convert Date & time value into varchar and then store in database I am fetching the Current Date & time using NOW() in mysql and now want to convert it in string because i have to merge this value with String value ...

how do i add a int to a string.

i have a string and i need to add a number to it i.e a int. like: string number1 = ("dfg"); int number2 = 123; number1 += number2; this is my code: name = root_enter; // pull name from another string. size_t sz; sz = name.size(); //find the size of the string. name.resize (sz + 5, account); // add the accoun...

Java: Converting lists of one element type to a list of another type

I'm writing an adapter framework where I need to convert a list of objects from one class to another. I can iterate through the source list to do this as in However, I'm wondering if there is a way to do this on the fly when the target list ...

Crystal Report Function for converting Seconds to Timespan format.

I have a crystal report where it shows the Agent's activities throughout the day with a pie chart. In the details section it is displaying: Activity [string] StartedAt [DateTime] EndedAt [DateTime] Duration [The difference between EndedAt and StartedAt in seconds - Integer] Report data is GroupedBy Activity and summarized by D...

How do I convert a number to hours and minutes?

Hey guys, I got help with correct calculation the other day but I've hit a block about how to implement it into code. -(IBAction)done:(id)sender { int result = (([startHours.text intValue] * 60) + [startMinutes.text intValue]) - (([finishHours.text intValue] * 60) + [finishMinutes.text intValue]); totalHours.text = [NSString str...