
Convert xypic matrix to eps. (LaTeX)

I have a lot of BIG xypic-matrices in my LaTeX file for one of my papers, and it takes long/infinite time to compile. Is there a way to convert just the separate xypic-pieces to eps files, that I include in my main document? I suppose I use LaTeX to compile the xypic part, but then I will get an entire document, right? (Can someone add...

VS confusing option: converting web-application to web-application

Could anyone explain, why is there an option to convert an Asp.Net Web-application (both Web Forms and MVC) to convert to a Web-application. This might be something of a help for web-site template but why for Web-application ? Is this Thanks ...

Git: Convert normal to bare repository

How can I convert a 'normal' Git repository to a bare one? The main difference seems to be: in the normal git repository you have a .git folder inside the repository containing all relevant data and all other files build your working copy in a bar Git repository, there is no working copy and the folder (let's call it repo.git) contain...

Converting float or negative integer to hexadecimal in Borland Delphi

Ive written a program that communicate with some hardware using a serial connection. It sends a lot of hexadecimal values my way (sensor readings) and every once in a while it sends a negative value. ex. i receive a hexadecimal value : FFFFF5D6 and i have to convert it into : -2602 another problem i have is that i can't convert a float ...

XML to Java Object only using Java5 (no external libs)

Hi, normally I would use JaxB, XMLBeans or Simple to convert a XML file to a Java Object. In this case I can however only use Java5 and no external libraries (for several reasons). What is the best way to do that? My XML input is very simple. What is the most flexible and elegant way to get the XML into a Java-Object (I don't really ne...

How to convert a floating point to hexadecimal (and back) in Delphi

Possible Duplicate: Converting float or negative integer to hexadecimal in Borland Delphi Is there a function i can use to convert a floating point value to a hexadecimal value and back? ...

Converting string to float throws error "Incorrect format"

I can't get my application to convert a string into a float: float number = float.Parse(match); Where match is "0.791794". Why doesn't this work? The error I get is "Input string was not in a correct format.", but I can't understand what's wrong with it. ...

Covert String to LPVOID and LPCWSTR in C++

Hi, I’m working with the winHTTP API in c++ and I have started to write a wrapper class for my application. For simplicity I have a number of functions that can take string parameters and use them in the winHTTP calls. However many of these require the data to be LPVOID or LPCWSTR. I can make it all work by making my wrapper functions ...

PHP Convert Unix time to ISO and Subtract an Hour

Hello, I'm restructuring my MySQL database, which has several columns in Unix format. Because I already have several rows in the database in Unix format. How can I convert the Unix fields to iso, and then subtract an hour using PHP? For example, I currently have: <?php $unix_time = 1267840800; $conversion = date("c", $unix_time...

Unusual Font Conversion

Hi All, I have the following string in a file, and it needs to be converted back to a Font object. But I'm not sure how to do this one: font string: [Font: Name=Segoe UI, Size=14, Units=3, GdiCharSet=1, GdiVerticalFont=False] I appreciate any help at all, thank you bael ...

Convert String To date in PHP

How can I convert this string 05/Feb/2010:14:00:01 to unixtime ? ...

Loading image data from xml file.

Hi All. I have the following code that loads data from an xml file. I've done this quite a while back but don't have that code anymore, and this isn't working. (I can successfully write image data to file. But loading it and converting to image object isn't working): p.Image = Base64ToImage(controlTag.Attributes("Content").First().Value...

How can I get the corresponding DIK value of a VK key value?

In .NET I can get the VK value of a pressed key in the "KeyDown" event. Wath I need is the DIK value of the pressed key. How do I do this? I tried to use the MapVirtualKey API. But it doesn't work with all keys. (works with the ones in the main keyboard). Is there an easy way to do this? ...

What is the fastest routine to convert NSArrays to C-style (double) arrays?

Hi all, I have 2 NSArray (Mutable, actually) that I am trying to convert to a C-style double array for a c routine i am passing them to. Here is my Objective-C routine: NSMutableDictionary *childDictionary = [myParentDictionary objectForKey:resort_code]; latitudeArray = [childDictionary objectForKey:@"lat"]; longitudeArray = [childDic...

in C# (int) decimal and Convert.Int32(decimal) give me two different results

Hi, I understand that there are rounding errors but can anyone explain why I get such different results using these different methods: decimal amount = 9.990M; var cost = Convert.ToInt32(amount*1000); var cost1 = (int) amount*1000; I get: cost = 9990 cost1 = 9000 ...

How do I extract ASCII data from binary file with unknown format, in Windows?

On Windows, what is the best way to convert a binary file where the internal structure is unknown less that its contents are ASCII in nature back to plain text? Ideally the conversion would produce a "human"-readable version. I think the file should contain something like the following: Date: 10 FEB 2010 House: 345 Dogwood Drive Exter...

How to convert string with exponent to float?

I have the following string: "3.39112632978e+001" which I need to convert to float. WolframAlpha says that the result of this value is 33.9112632978 which evidently I should get somehow and I couldn't figure out how. Single.Parse("3.39112632978e+001") gives 3.39112624E+12 Double.Parse("3.39112632978e+001") gives 3391126329780.0 float....

How do I convert a mySQL timestamp into RFC-822 using Perl?

I have data stored in a mySQL table under the column type "timestamp" that I would like to output as an RFC-822 compliant date, for inclusion in a valid RSS feed. I know how I could simply output the current time as an RFC-822 object using perl, but I haven't figured out how to convert an existing string. The string is formatted like...

SQL what is faster left 2 or convert(varchar(2),'Chgffgjjx')

If I want to return the first two characters of a string which is the best / fastest method? Also if I have a date and want to group by day I will use convert(varchar(10),getdate()) as our db format is in yyyy/MM/dd, which would give '2010/02/10' if I wanted to group by month I would use varchar(7) instead to give '2010/02' Is there a...

How to convert XML element data into PHP numeric array

I'm not really a web developer and I'm trying to make a web interface for parsing and displaying experimental data, so I apologize if this is a ridiculously easy solution. I'm trying to take data from an XML element and convert it into a PHP numerical array that I can plot using GD. So far, I have the XML creation, XML loading, and GD ...