
The shell dotfile cookbook

I constantly hear from other people about how much of the stuff they've used to customize their *nix setup they've shamelessly stolen from other people. So in that spirit, I'd like to start a place to share that stuff here on SO. Here are the rules: DON'T POST YOUR ENTIRE DOTFILE. Instead, just show us the cool stuff. One recipe pe...

Postgres Best Practice

What are your set of best practices when working with PostgreSQL? I'm interested in every aspect of postgres-management/development. Configurations, rules, functions, users, ... There are a lot of documentation about PostgreSQL, but I haven't found any clear best-practice/cookbook source yet. Just to clarify: I know about views, transa...

Create an Excel macro which searches a heading and copy-paste the column

I am new to Excel macros. I have some columns with headings scattered in many sheets. I would like to type a heading in some column which has the cursor and have the column with that heading copy-pasted to the column with the cursor. Is it possible to do this by recording a macro? How? If not, how do I do it programmatically? ...

automatically execute an Excel macro on a cell change

How can I automatically execute an Excel macro each time a value in a particular cell changes? Right now, my working code is: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("H5")) Is Nothing Then Macro End Sub where "H5" is the particular cell being monitored and Macro is the name of the macro....

is there a website that compiles css knowledge?

I'm thinking of getting into the web designing business . I am aware that I will bump into a lot of CSS headaches , and I'm certain people have bumped into them long before I did . Is there a website I could check for solutions to common problems (e.g:aligning an image like this doesn't show up in IE)? Something like a cookbook would be ...

Where can these be posted besides the Python Cookbook?

Whitespace Assembler #! /usr/bin/env python """ Compiles a program from "Assembly" folder into "Program" folder. Can be executed directly by double-click or on the command line. Give name of *.WSA file without extension (example: stack_calc).""" ##############################################################################...

Using ModalAlert from cookbook - app does not load

I'm using iphone cookbook code to prompt a user for text in a UIAlertView. The cookbook code is available at In my AppDelegate, applicationDidFinishLaunching(), I invoke as below NSString *str = [ModalAlert ask:@"what is your name?" withText...

List of freely available C# recipes

There are a variety of web sites that purport to offer reusable code in some fashion (Krugle, Koders, byteMyCode, et al). These are great for browsing and for learning by reading other people's code, though I find it challenging to actually find something specific. With O'Reilly's cookbook series (Perl Cookbook, Ruby Cookbook, C# Cookbo...