
Login Website, curious Cookie Problem

Hello, Language: C# Development Environment: Visual Studio 2008 Sorry if the english is not perfect. I want to login to a Website and get some Data from there. My Problem is that the Cookies does not work. Everytime the Website says that I should activate Cookies but i activated the Cookies trough a Cookiecontainer. I sniffed the tr...

Will cookie be available when javascript is disabled at client side?

This is one of the questions I'm asked in the interview today, but I'm not sure of the answer. ...

My Website was hacked using Statcounter! Does Statcounter keep a record of cookies?

I had a rather interesting case of hacking on my ASP.Net MVC website. For this website I had implemented a rather uncomplicated authentication system for my admin area -- an encrypted cookie which had an identifying signature for the member. Whenever the admin visits the website the cookie would be decrypted and signature verified. If ma...

iPhone Facebook connect : "Cookies required"

Hello, I am using FacebookConnect on the iPhone to integrate my app with Facebook. Unfortunatly I've always "cookies required" when trying to login. Are you also encountering this issue or do you know what may cause this issue? Thanks in advance for your help :) Regards, ...

iPhone: know programmatically is cookies are allowed or not

Hello, I need for my app to have cookies enabled in Safari and I was wondering 2 things: - How to detect if cookies are allowed or not - How to allow cookies For the moment my googling was not really successful... Thanks for your help :) ...

Problem with authentication from different domains using Django sessions.

Hi all, I am developing a bookmarklet which essentially adds a toolbar to a web page user is currently looking at. To use it, user needs to be logged in. To login user clicks on 'Singin' which displays a standard form containing Username, Password etc fields. When user successfully logs in they may chose to navigate to a different web-...

multiple stateful iframes per page will overwrite JSESSIONID?

Hello, Looking for someone to either confirm or refute my theory that deploying two iframes pointing to two different stateful pages on the same domain can lead to JSESSIONIDs being overwritten. Here's what I mean: Setup suppose you have two pages that require HttpSession state (session affinity) to function correctly - deployed at h...

Why are cookies only sent to and NOT

I have a PHP login which sets 2 cookies once someone login. The problem is that if you login from and you go to, you will find yourself not logged in. I think that is because the browser only send the cookies to the first syntax. It is only one domain, the difference is the www. before the domai...

php session not working (as with cookies disabled), but cookies are enabled for the domain. What other possibilities?

Hi, I have a problem with a client, who cannot log in to our system. We have PHP-based B2B system, which uses cookies to store session-id. The client cannot log in and is redirected to the login page, without any error message. He claims he have cookies enabled in his Firefox. Also, if he had cookies disabled, my javascript would dete...

How to identify unique user?

Question How can you determine if a user is unique or not? I understand there are many ways to do this using cookies, but what about methods that don't use cookies? For example, go to Urban Dictionary and click one of the up/down vote buttons. Even if you delete your cookies and come back to the page, you will not be allowed to cast a...

Javascript to encode cookie contents into a get or post?

I want to pass cookie contents from one domain to another. I don't want to get involved with actual cross-domain cookies. I was thinking of reading the cookie on the domain that sets it and then sending it as an encrypted JSON object to the domain that wants to use it. Is there an accepted way of doing this and/or a toolkit that han...

Cookie won't unset

OK, I'm stumped, and have been staring at this for hours. I'm setting a cookie at /access/login.php with the following code: setcookie('username', $username, time() + 604800, '/'); When I try to logout, which is located at /access/logout.php (and rewritten to /access/logout), the cookie won't seem to unset. I've tried the following: ...

using cookies to provide automatic login

hi all, I have some web applications written in php , all hosted on the same server. for e,g I want to integrate all of them in one webpage like this: *create one webpage (main page) *create one IFrame *create one navigation bar at the top of the main page. *when you click on "...

Can some hacker steal the cookie from a user and login with that name on a web site?

Reading this question different users get the same cookie value in aspxanonymous and search for a solution, I start thinking, if it is possible for some one to really steal the cookie with some way, and then place it on his browser and login lets say as administrator. Do you know how form authentication can ensure that even if the coo...

Why do some cookies have a '.' before the domain?

Trying to share cookies accross 2 domains in, for some reason 1 domain has a '.' before the domain, and the other doesn't. Why is that? e.g: and Is this something to do with how I create the cookie, or a web.config change? I am not using forms authentication, just creating a cooki...

COM access to classic ASP intrinsic objects

I'm converting a VB6 COM object that works with classic ASP to a c# .Net COM Object Interop_COMSVCS.ObjectContext objContext; Interop_COMSVCS.AppServer objAppServer; objAppServer = null; // need to initialize before using objAppServer = new Interop_COMSVCS.AppServer(); objContext = objAppServer.G...

Best way to deal with session handling in Zend Framework

So I'm starting up in Zend framework and looking to implement a site-wide "User" session.... something I can easily access from ALL modules/controllers in the application. I'm like, should I make a new namespace in the library and extend the controller, like: class MYCUSTOMLIB_Controller_Action extends Zend_Controller_Action { prot...

Passing existing cookie to Web service

HI have the following scenario: 1) i'm authenticated against some aSP.NET web site and my session time out expires in 24 hours. 2) after several time I would like to run query against Web Service located on the site using existing authentication. What should I add to cookie Container? I how do sent existing cookie to Web ser...

Login Script for PostGreSQL and PHP not working =[

Ok I'm quite new at logins what not so bare with me here lol but I gota learn so don't discourage me. I tried this so far <?php $error = ""; $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=brittains_db user=brittains password=XXXX" ); $sql = "SELECT * FROM logins"; $result = pg_query($conn, $sql); if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET...

Why is it that sometimes my web application does not work on the iPhone?

I have a web application that uses login and sessions (cookies). Why is it that sometimes, when the iPhone is going slow with the 3G network (super super slow), the iphone doesn't see the cookies? Cookies don't work when the iPhone network is slow!!! ...