
InternetExplorer.Application object and cookie container

I have the following console application written in VB.NET: Sub Main() Dim ie As Object = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") ie.Visible = True ie.Navigate2("http://localhost:4631/Default.aspx") End Sub This program uses the InternetExplorer.Application automation object to launch an IE window and navigate a given...

Websphere single sign on from PHP site?

I need to provide SSO for a Webpshere portal. The authentication process needs to be handled by a PHP site (which itself should authenticate a user against an Active Directory via LDAP - think I have this bit covered though). I have been told I need to create an LTPA cookie. How would I go about doing this? What information need to be se...

How to clean up internet explorer cookies programmatically?

How to clean up internet explorer cookies programmatically? Is there some windows API function to do it? ...

Why did ASP.NET generate the same cookie key for a domain and subdomain?

Bug: I've got an ASP.NET web application that occasionally sets identical cookie keys for "" and "". I'm trying to figure out what default cookie domain ASP.NET sets, and how I accidentally coded the site to sometimes prepend a "." to the cookie domain. When 2 cookies have the same key and are sent up f...

"Remember me" with ASP.NET MVC Authentication is not working

I have a standard ASP.NET MVC (RC Refresh) web project, with the standard ASP.NET Membership provider and the Account controller that is included in the project template. When I check "Remember me" in my Login form, I am still not being remembered by the site. (Firefox remembers my username and password, but what I expected to happen wa...

What could cause Session Cookies to disappear mid-session?

I have a web application which uses a session cookie to keep users logged on. When they log on, the system generates a GUID which it associates with the User record in the database. The GUID which is then stored in a cookie so it can be then read on each page load and checked against the database entry. The code to set the cookie is qui...

How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?

I need to keep a session alive for 30 minutes and then kill it. ...

Cookies PHP

How would I "build-in" an autologin to this script? if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $query = mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username'])."' AND user_password = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password'])."' "); /* wrong login information? terminate t...

Tips on signed cookies instead of sessions

I'm considering ditching PHP's $_SESSION (i.e. the server-side session handling, to add some language-agnostic flavor) and using signed cookies instead, since I've heard so much good about them (Flickr uses them, so they ought to be good enough for me too). I understand the basic context of the technique: Use cookies freely to pass key-...

Accessing browser cookies from Flex

I'm building a Flex widget for a private vBulletin site, and the Flex widget needs to access an XML file on the vBulletin server in order to display data. For security reasons, the XML URL will need to have the value in the bbsessionhash cookie passed along in the URL request from Flex. The Flex widget will be embedded in the private ar...

Accept Cookies in Python

How can I accept cookies in a python script? ...

Which browsers do support HttpOnly cookies?

Which browsers do support HttpOnly cookies, and since which version? Please see for a discussion of HttpOnly cookies and XSS-prevention. ...

How to detect if cookies are disabled? Is it possible?

How to detect on server side that cookies in browser are disabled? Is it possible? Detailed explanation of question: I am processing HTTP request on the server. I want to set cookie via Set-Cookie header. I need to know at that time whether cookie will be set by client browser or my request to set cookie will be ignored. ...

Reading cookies using xcode on the iphone

Hi there, I'm trying to read cookies using an xcode application im writing for iphone and testing on emulator. However when I run the code below the value stored in mumcookies is 0. Cookies are allowed via iphone settings and I also used mobile safari to navigate to gmail, hotmail and other cookie setting sites to increase cookie count o...

Javascript Cookie with no expiration date

Hello, I would like to set up a cookie that never expires. Would that even be possible? document.cookie = "name=value; expires=date; path=path;domain=domain; secure"; I don't want to make the date really large, I am just wondering if there was a value for the expires parameter on the cookie that told it never to expire. Thanks. ...

Using cookies and php to change style sheets(CSS).

Hi, I have some code that works and changes the style sheet using a form. That work as long as you keep the browser window open. You can got to a different site come back and the style will be the one you selected, thats fine but if u close the browser and come back it will be set to the default. Is this due to the fact that I am startin...

How to insert CookieCollection to CookieContainer?

Hi, After I get response from httpwebrequest, I'd like the cookies obtained to save for the purpose of using them in another httbwebrequest. However, I'd need to insert CookieCollection to CookieContainer. How do I do that? Tried to do: request.Cookiecontainer.add(response.Cookies); but this keeps getting out of error: Object referen...

Uses for MachineKey in ASP.NET

What different ways are Machine Keys useful in I think the following are correct but thought there may be more. Multiple applications can use the same cookie Multiple servers can work with the same viewstate ...

How to supply cookie to Java HTMLDocument?

I'm trying to read a web site as an HTMLDocument; and the site requires either a cookie from a previous logon, or a response to a popup dialog. I'm thinking that supplying the necessary cookie is the easiest to accomplish, but I haven't found a way to do that. The code to open and read the document is: URL url = new URL(suppliedURL); ...

Cache VS Session VS cookies?

What are the do's and don'ts about Cache VS Session VS Cookies? For example: Im using Session variables a lot and have sometimes problem in a booking-application when users starts to order products and then goes to lunch and come back some hours later and continue the booking. I store the booking in the session until the user confirm or...