
What is your experience with Sun CoolThreads technology?

My project has some money to spend before the end of the fiscal year and we are considering replacing a Sun-Fire-V490 server we've had for a few years. One option we are looking at is the CoolThreads technology. All I know is the Sun marketing, which may not be 100% unbiased. Has anyone actually played with one of these? I suspect it...

I would like to interactively detect when an ActiveX component has been installed, and asynchronously refresh a portion of the page

Hello, I am working on a website, and I would like to refresh a portion of the page after an ActiveX component has been installed. I have a general idea of how to do this with polling, which I am working on getting going : function detectComponentThenSleep(){ try{ // Call what I want ActiveX for, if the method is available,...