
How can I recursively copy a directory into another and replace only the files that have not changed?

Hi all, I am looking to do a specific copy in Fedora. I have two folders: 'webroot': holding ALL web files/images etc 'export': folder containing thousands of PHP, CSS, JS documents that are exported from my SVN repo. The export directory contains many of the same files/folders that the root does, however the root contains additio...

How can I use DBI to execute a "\copy from remote table" command in Postgres?

I need to copy from a remote postgres server to a local one. I cannot use any ETL tools; it must be done using Perl with DBI. This data will be large so I don't want to use "select from source" and "insert into local". I was looking to use COPY to create a file but this file will be created on the remote server. I can't do that either. I...

Ruby file force copy

Is there a way to get ruby to do a forced copy? FileUtils.cp_r seems not to have a :force => true option. ...

Can I just 'dd' from one HDD to another to clone HDD

I wanted to know if I could just use Linux command 'dd' to make a copy of a hard drive. The hard drive has windows XP and the goal is to move data from a smaller HDD to this larger one without having to explicitly re-install windows. I personally don't know enough to know if this has the potential to screw up the file system. I also don'...

Retrieve and store elements (according to conditions) from an array.

Given an array of 81 elements (meant to represent a 9x9 grid) how can I go over each element, grabbing the three around it and then performing an operation on those, then continuing to the next three of each row, column, or submatrix. Look below or at a sudoku grid to see the layout. define COL(n) ((n) % 9) define ROW(n) ((n)...

copy all files inside solution to another location after successful build

I'm working on Visual Studio 2008, C# and i have a solution which refers to 3 projects in the same directory. I want to copy all files and folders containied inside the solution to an another location after each successful build. How can i do that? ...

How can you recursively copy all of the *.foo files in src to target using cp and/or find?

cp -v -ur path/to/jsps/ /dest/path/ The above command copies all of the files that have been updated from the source directory to the destination, preserving the directory structure. What I can't figure out is how to copy only *.someExtention files. I know that you can use something like: find -f -name *.jsp -exec some awesome comman...

How do I copy files to another directory using MSBuild?

I'm trying to copy several files in the $(TargetDir) to another folder (e.g. C:\BinCache), but for whatever reason I cannot get MSBuild to stop complaining. <Target Name="AfterBuild"> <Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetDir)\*.*" DestinationFolder="C:\BinCache" /> </Target> What am I doing wrong here? EDIT: The solution is t...

Ruby show progress when copying files

I'd like to be able to show the progress of a file copy operation when copying files using Ruby (currently using FileUtils.cp) I've tried setting the verbose option to true but that just seems to show me the copy command issued. I'm running this script from command line at the moment so ideally I'd like to be able to present something l...

copying strings into a buffer

Hello, I have some code that stack dumps when using sprintf to copy a a pointer to strings. I am trying to copy the contents of animals into a new pointer array called output. However, I get a stack dump. What should be in the output is the following: new animal rabbit new animal horse new animal donkey An I going about this the right...

Copy data from one existing row to another existing row in SQL?

OK so I suck at SQL and I always have to ask for help, not sure what my disconnect is because I don't have any problem with programming C like languages, here is my challenge: I have a table full of tracking data for as specific course, course number 6. Now I have added new tracking data for course number 11. Each row of data is for o...

Determine if a file can be moved or copied

Besides trying the operation and catching the exception, is there a method to determine if a file can be moved or copied? ...

Java Collections copy list - I don't understand

I have an ArrayList and I want to copy it exactly. I use util classes when possible ont the assumption that someone spent some time making it correct. So naturally I end up with the Collections class which contains a copy method. ss I hav the following:: List<String> a = new ArrayList<String>(); a.add("a"); a.add("b"); a.add("c"); Lis...

copying a document to another library and incrementing version

I have two document libraries, let's call them libDraft and libProduction. In libDraft employees create procedures which eventually need to be copied to libProduction. I created a workflow in NINTEX 2007 which copies the document to libProductionand increment the major version (so the old file is saved in version control). Too bad this ...

How to synchronise FTP directory from command line?

I have a website with PHP files and other. I would like to do one-click synchronisation between my local copy of a website and my website on the server. It would be nice if there was be a command line utility or plugin to Eclipse PDT to do this. ...

Copy Icon into Startup Folder Using VB.Net

I'd like to copy an icon into the computer's startup folder from code. ...

[cmake] How to copy directory from source tree to binary tree?

Copying directory from source tree to binary tree. For example: How to copy www to bin folder. work ├─bin └─src ├─doing │ └─www ├─include └─lib Thanks. ...

Scheduling a RichCopy Jobs

Anyone use the timer feature of RichCopy? I have a job that works fine when I manually start the job. However, when I schedule the job and click run, the app appears to be waiting for the scheduled time to elapse yet never fires. Interesting enough when I stop the job the copy starts. Anyone have any experience with using RichCopy timer...

Excel VBA copy XL-2007 Macro-Enabled Workbook as excel-2003 file with no macros

I''m looking for a vba macro that will make a copy of the current Excel 2007 macro-enabled workbook with the name I specify as an Excel 2003 macro-free document. It should also keep the current workbook open and in the Excel 2007 format (so save-as wouldn't work). I can't figure out how to do the copy operation... ...

How do I move/copy a symlink to a different folder as a symlink under Solaris?

It is an odd behaviour seen only on Solaris that when I try to copy a symbolic link with the "cp -R -P" command to some other folder with a different name, it copies the entire directory/file it's pointing to. For example: link -> dir cp -R -P link folder/new_link ...