
What are the absolute and relative costs of different operations in PHP?

I'm looking for a elaborate list comparing different operations in PHP. For example: echo vs. printf, ++$i vs $i++, a direct function call vs. object function call, array access vs. direct data access, global vs. local variables, mysql_fetch_assoc vs. mysql_fetch_row etc. Of course these figures probably highly depend on the used version...

Distributed Databases: Calculating page-shipping cost

Hi, I'm looking to know how to calculate shipping cost for sending pages to remote sites of a distributed database. The explanation I have is: "Tuples are shipped in units of one page by waiting for a page to be filled before sending a message from processor i to processor j" If it helps, each processor have 100 buffer pages of 4000 b...

Is it possible to formulate the development cost?

Hi, Is there any formula showing the development cost of an application? Basically not to reach a very specific number but at least stressing what parts are effecting the overall cost in what magnitude? Thanks, burak ozdogan ...

Amazon, AWS - What is a remap and how to calculate the costs

hi everyone, i got the first report for my account activity. the costs for remapping the elastic ip are quite expensive in relation to the cpu hours. my instance is running from 8 to 21 from monday to friday and from 8 to 9 on saturday and sunday. the start script at 8 associates an elastic ip. could anyone please explain me how to ...

Can I set a cap on costs in Windows Azure?

I want to set up a Windows Azure account. I'm an MSDN Subscriber so I get it for "free" the first 16 months. Still, Microsoft want my credit card number just in case I go over the free limit. In theory, this means I'm writing a carte blanche to MS to bill my credit card. I want to know if anyone has been using Azure and if there's any...