
Complex dynamic queries in CouchDB

Hello everyone! I am starting with CouchDB and need a little help. I have a whole lot of data which is listed to the user in a table. The user should be able to filter that data by multiple dynamic parameters. E.g. assume a table with fields date, author, tags, is_published, title. The user should be able to specify any filter like ...

Do CouchDB databases get extremely large in a short time span?

I'm reading the Beginning CouchDB book by Apress and there is a line that confuses me a bit: Also important to note is that CouchDB will never overwrite existing documents, but rather it will append a new document to the database, with the latest revision gaining prominence and the other being stored for archival purposes...

query multiple date ranges for a certain date range

hello, i have the problem with MapReduce and complex date ranges: i have database entries like this: { name: x, ranges: [ {from: 2010-1-1, to: 2010-1-15}, {from: 2010-1-17, to:2010-1-20}, ] } ... now i want to query which documents fit into the range: 2010-1-10 to 2010-1-18. i am totally stuck on this because every couchdb exampl...

What advantages does a Document-based database have over a Relational database?

For example: Microsoft SQL Server vs. CouchDB. The main benefit for me with CouchDB is that you can access it from pretty much anywhere! What advantages does a document based database have over a relational one? Where would a document based db be a better choice over a relational? ...

Using couchdb on NFS

I am planning to use couchdb on a Linux VM with some limited local storage and a huge amount of NFS storage. What I would like to do is run one couchdb instance, but keep some databases on the local storage and some on the NFS. -If the NFS goes down and the couchdb process enters the 'D' state, will I still be able to talk to couch over...

CouchDB sorting and filtering in the same view

Hi, I'm trying to use CouchDB for a new app, and I need to create a view that sorts by multiple fields and also filters by multiple fields. Here is an example document, I've left out the _id and _rev to save myself some typing. { "title": "My Document", "date": 1279816057, "ranking": 5, "category": "fun", "tags": [ ...

Add data to couchdb with jsonp response

Is there a way add data to a couchdb that runs on another domain and get back an response whether the operation was successfully or not? I know couchdb supports jsonp callback but can I add data with this approach? ...

Using CURL with oauth for desktop-couch

To access desktopcouch the documentation suggest to use oauth. Using the samples in the O'Reilly book "CouchDB - the definite guide" I want to use CURL (or another command line tool if appropriate) to work with desktopcouch. I guess I would need a script to query the key store to retrieve the oauth token and add it to the CURL string. Id...

Couchdb database authentication

Hi, i want to manage my couchdb rights in _user database. But I don´t know how to set the right authentication handler. authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler} default_handler = {couch_httpd_auth, handle_request} authentication_db = _users require_valid_user = true This is my actual setting. ...

What kind of application would CouchDB be most useful/performant for?

I've been messing about with the Ordnance Survey Code-Point Open dataset of UK postcodes/co-ordinates. Since were offering a free hosted CouchDB instance I thought I'd put my geo data into one of those, learning a bit about CouchDB in the process. The idea was that since CouchDB is supposed to be good at handling large datasets...

Curl giving "Invalid UTF-8 JSON" error from CouchDb although JSON is fine? Any ideas?

This is slightly different from the question titled "Error about ‘invalid JSON’ with couchDB view but the json’s fine": I am not trying to upload a file only enter a simple document. The example I am trying to use is actually from O'Reilly's book "CouchDB: The Definitive Guide" and I am pretty sure that I have tried it before and got i...

CouchDB view composing JSON objects with embedded arrays from two separated documents

Lets say I have two types of documents stored in my CouchDB database. First is with property type set to contact and second to phone. Contact type document have another property called name. Phone type have properties number and contact_id so that it can reference to contact person. This is trivial one to many scenario where one contact ...

How can i call another view in a couchdb view?

I have just finished the book "couchdb: a definitive guide" and started to play with design documents. there is however one thing, that I do not understand. All the examples I have seen so far are somewhat linear. Example: { "_id": "1", "_rev": ".....", "name": "first", "something": "blue", "child": "2" } { "_i...

CouchDB cross-domain access from XMLHttpRequest?

Currently, web application need to offer some kind of cross-domain HTTP header to access data on other domain: Is there any way to configure CouchDB to support unlimited cross-domain access? (it may use apache httpd internally) I'm using the db in-house p...

NoSQL - MongoDB vs CouchDB

I am a complete noob when it comes to the NoSQL movement. I have heard lots about MongoDB and CouchDB. I know there are differences between the two. Which do you recommend learning as a first step into the NoSQL world? ...

What are the best uses of document stores?

I have been hearing a lot about document oriented data stores like CouchDB. I understand the uses of BigTable like stores such as Cassandra. After reading this question, I was wondering what the conditions would be to merit using a document store? ...

Relationships and data modeling in document oriented databases

I just read a few articles on data modeling and relationships in document oriented databases (... anti pattern, CouchDB article, MongoDB article ...). There are certain "issues" about which I would like to talk and hopefully find a solution/pattern to stop them deluding me. There is a common saying that you should stop thinking like you...

Connection AJAX, CouchDB and JavaScript

Hello, i've got a little problem with AJAX, CouchDB and JavaScript. I can open the following URL from CouchDB in my browser: new Ajax.Request('', { method: 'POST', onComplete: function(transport) { alert(transport.responseText); } }); I always get empty ...

Which authentication gem/plugin should I use for Rails 3 running on CouchDB?

I'm building a Rails 3 application on CouchDB (using SimplyStored gem) and I'd like to use some existing gem/plugin for authentication, instead of building it from scratch. Problem is, I can't find anything that works smoothly for CouchDB, everything assumes that you're running on ActiveRecord. Do you have any tips? ...

CouchDB Database per Main Entity

Dears, i'm looking for implement in my application to have database for the main entity of the system. i'd like to create and set a database for this entity named with a property value. Like : For a CMS Project, to create a couchdb database for every Site. kindly, as that is based on Rest and Rails : in the create method i have the ...