
How to build "Tagging" support using CouchDB?

I'm using the following view function to iterate over all items in the database (in order to find a tag), but I think the performance is very poor if the dataset is large. Any other approach? def by_tag(tag): return ''' function(doc) { if (doc.tags.length > 0) { for (var tag in doc.tags) { ...

How to stop thinking "relationally"

At work, we recently started a project using CouchDB (a document-oriented database). I've been having a hard time un-learning all of my relational db knowledge. I was wondering how some of you overcame this obstacle? How did you stop thinking relationally and start think documentally (I apologise for making up that word). Any suggest...

Embedded analog of CouchDB, same as sqlite for SQL Server

I like an idea of document oriented databases like CouchDB. I am looking for simple analog. My requirements is just: persistance storage for schema less data; some simple in-proc quering; good to have transactions and versioning; ruby API; map/reduce is aslo good to have; should work on shared hosting What I do not need is REST/HTT...

What is the benefit of using a "document-oriented DBMS"?

I must be missing something, because everything I've seen so far suggests that it isn't any more interesting than a single table for storing blobs and a second table for tags that apply to it. Now I certainly can see some benefit to that from a design pattern, but why would I want to use a "document-oriented DBMS" instead of just buildi...

Join/sum with CouchDB

Using CouchDB, I currently have a document which represents an idea, you can rate this idea. Every idea is one document and every rating is a different document. I am doing this like this to avoid concurrent access problems when people are rating an idea. My documents look like that (I have simplified them): An idea: { "_id": "idea1"...

do document-oriented databases have integrity?

I'm coming from a MySQL background, and I'm interested in document-oriented databases, specifically CouchDB. One of the things I'm interested in is data integrity. How do document-oriented databases handle this? For instance, in RDBMSes, there are ways to prevent duplication of records, or guaranteeing that if you have one bit of informa...

Relations in Document-oriented database?

I'm interested in document-oriented databases, and I'd like to play with MongoDB. So I started a fairly simple project (an issue tracker), but am having hard times thinking in a non-relational way. My problems: I have two objects that relate to each other (e.g. issue = {code:"asdf-11", title:"asdf", reporter={username:"qwer", role:"ma...

Are document-oriented databases any more suitable than relational ones for persisting objects?

In terms of database usage, the last decade was the age of the ORM with hundreds competing to persist our object graphs in plain old-fashioned RMDBS. Now we seem to be witnessing the coming of age of document-oriented databases. These databases are highly optimized for schema-free documents but are also very attractive for their ability ...

Does this schema sound better suited for a document-oriented data store or relational?

Disclaimer: let me know if this question is better suited for I want to store information on music, specifically: genres artists albums songs This information will be used in a web application, and I want people to be able to see all of the songs associated to an album, and albums associated to an artist, and artis...

What open source document-oriented database system is most mature for Windows usage?

After using relational databases as back-end storage all my Windows programming life (currently .NET), I want to experiment with a document-oriented database by this Wikipedia definition; it can be standalone or layered over an existing non-commercial database system. What open source document-oriented database solution would you recomm...

Document-oriented database - What if the document definitions change?

As I understand it, you can enter any non-structured information into a document-oriented database. Let's imagine a document like this: { name: 'John Blank', yearOfBirth: 1960 } Later, in a new version, this structure is refactored to { firstname: 'John', lastname: 'Blank', yearOfBirth: 1960 } How do you do this with Docu...

What are your thoughts on Raven DB?

What are your thoughts on Raven DB? I see this below my title: The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed. Please don't do that. I think the question is legit because: Raven DB is brand-spanking-new. RDBMS's are probably the de facto for data persistence for .net developers, which Raven DB is not. Giv...

Are document-oriented databases meant to replace relational databases?

Recently I've been working a little with MongoDB and I have to say I really like it. However it is a completely different type of database then I am used. I've noticed that it is most definitely better for certain types of data, however for heavily normalized databases it might not be the best choice. It appears to me however that it ...

Are there any Design Guidelines for Documental Databases?

Just wondering if there are any kind of guidelines for when you are designing a document-oriented db and I am talking especially about CouchDb. I know that being schemaless things can take the shape that we want but, are there any best practices? Thanks in advance! =D ...

Mongo DB relations between objects

I'm trying to implement blog post storage using mongo db. I've got two domain entities: "Blog post" and "Author" Currently I've added AuthorId property to blog post entity. Is that the right approach to store relation between objects? ...

Recommended database backend for blog

Greetings, I'm building my personal website using php. My standard approach is to use MySQL as a database backend. I've been hearing a lot about document orienting databases and I'm wondering if these ( couchDB, mongoDB) might be a better option for me. I understand that a low traffic site such as my personal homepage isn't going to se...

Relationships and data modeling in document oriented databases

I just read a few articles on data modeling and relationships in document oriented databases (... anti pattern, CouchDB article, MongoDB article ...). There are certain "issues" about which I would like to talk and hopefully find a solution/pattern to stop them deluding me. There is a common saying that you should stop thinking like you...

couchdb good for this case?

I am looking to create a cv bank which when i think about it in terms of storing the data in a relational database the complexity is pretty apparent. Would couchdb make better sense in this case? example of things i would be storing each a 1 to many relationships with user education, qualifications, employment, awards, languages, skil...

Anyone using RavenDB in a production environment?

I'm doing research on the maturity of some document-oriented stores, which includes an overview of applications and websites that use the database in production environments. There are several lists and case studies available for CouchDB and MongoDB, including: CouchDB In The Wild MongoDB Production Deployments I'm having a hard time...

What's the Attraction of Schemaless Database Systems?

I've been hearing a lot of talk about schema-less (often distributed) database systems like MongoDB, CouchDB, SimpleDB, etc... While I can understand they might be valuable for some purposes, in most of my applications I'm trying to persist objects that have a specific number of fields of a specific type, and I just automatically think ...