
document oriented databases

Possible Duplicate: What's the Attraction of Schemaless Database Systems? What are the advantages of document oriented databases over relational databases? Where should i use document oriented databases? ...

Benefits of Document Orriented DBs to an existing folder structure

I would like to preface by saying I guess there is no real tangible problem, but I feel odd not having some system managing these things. We currently have a large amount of XML files located in hierarchy of directories. I think it could be useful to use some Document Oriented DB around these folders. It could be extremely useful for s...

Document Oriented DB for AIR?

Today I just learned that Adobe Air has a local SQL database, which is great; however, we had been creating xml/json files to handle mostly everything. Rather than re-architect to gain a few new features it would seem useful to simply have some document oriented DB index our files. So the question is: documented oriented DB for air? ...