
Inspirational Writings

List out the articles/writings that inspired you to be a better developer They write the right stuff Made me think harder about edge case conditions Programmings dirtiest little secret Made me learn ...

Are there any resources similar to

I recently discovered Corey Haines great site, and I find it to be an excellent learning resource as well as a source of inspiration. Are there any other sites where I can find videos of people performing katas? ...

Deep diving into open source code

When do you feel that it's appropriate/necessary to take deeper dives into the source code of open source tools to gain an understanding of the toolsets that you use? (nHibernate, StructureMap, Rhino Mocks, etc.) ...

What's the best way to architect the relationship between train and track objects?

I'm working on a project for visually tracking trains. I've refactored the object relationship between the trains, the tracks, and the respective drawing classes for each several times, and I'm not happy with any of them. Maybe you guys can help me out here. Here are the interfaces to the objects I've got now. Tracks: addControlPoi...

When to call a "require" in Rails?

I have a more conceptual question in Rails... or Ruby for that matter: Is it best to call a require right before the method that needs it, group my requires at the beginning of the class or somewhere in an initializer when Rails boots? Does it matter from a performance point of view? From a readability point of view? Does it make a dif...