
NHibernate: get rows that don't have a foreign record in a different table using Criteria API

So I have Transactions and GLAllocations. I want to get all Transactions that don't have a corresponding record in the GLAllocation table. The following SQL produces the results I want. select t.* from [Transaction] t left join [GLAllocation] gla on gla.TransactionID = t.TransactionId where gla.glid is null Is there a way to represent...

Creating an efficient (but complex) NHibernate query.

Here is roughly our data model (the entity names are fake and only for example purposes). Product has a many-to-many relationship with Shipper. Shipper then has a one-to-many relationship with Warehouse. Basically: Product has many Shippers which have many Warehouses. We have a mapping from Product to Shipper and from Warehouse to Shi...

Criteria queries in JPA

Is there Hibernate criteria like queries in JPA? ...

HQL equivalent of CreateCriteria(string)

Hi, short version: is there a HQL equivalent for session.CreateCriteria(string)? Long version: The mapping looks like this: <class name="MyClass" entity-name="MyClass"> ... </class> <class name="MyClass" entity-name="SomeEntityName"> ... </class> When I use session.CreateCriteria("SomeEntityName"), only objects stored...

Convert hibernate HQL with collection.size to criteria query

For some reason I can never figure out how to do things via criteria api. I have a HQL: from Track track where size(track.trackTitles) > 1 Is it possible to convert it into a criteria query on Track class? If yes, how: what Restriction should I use? ...

How to get stores with more than 2 products which price is greater than 2.0$ ?

Each Store has many Products. Store --> (N) Products How to create an NHibernate criteria to get stores with more than 2 products which price is greater than 2.0$ ? I know how to get Stores based on a criteria on Products and I also know how to get the count of Products which Price is greater than 2, but I can't find a way to put ...

Why even the simplest NHibernate Example criteria isn't working?

I want to do the simplest job: Getting products which name is "Potatoes". // solution 1 - Using Expression.Eq return session.CreateCriteria<Product>().Add(Expression.Eq("Name", "Potatoes")).List<Product>(); // solution 2 - Using Example Product exampleProduct = new Product(); exampleProduct.Name = "Potatoes"; return session.Cre...

Group by month with criteria in Hibernate

Hi Guys, I'm trying to get a report using Criteria and ProjectionList, and I'm pretty new using this through hibernate. So I have this model: private Long _userId; private Category _category; private Long _companyId; private Double _amount; private Date _date; And I building the query using this: public List sumPaymentsByU...

JPA Criteria API missing

Hello, I'm building application that uses JPA, and I want to use Criteria API as described More precisely this part: EntityManager em = ... ; CriteriaBuilder queryBuilder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery qdef = queryBuilder.createCriteriaQuery(); ...

hibernate criteria OneToMany, ManyToOne and List

Hi, I have three entities ClassA, ClassB and ClassC. ClassA { ... @Id @GeneratedValue @Column(name = "a_id") private long id; ... @OneToMany(cascade={CascadeType.ALL}) @JoinColumn(name="a_id") private List<ClassB> bbb; ... } ClassB { ... @ManyToOne private ClassC ccc; ... } ClassC { ... private String name; ... } I...

LINQ join with filter criteria

How is something like this done in linq? It has filter criteria on the JOIN. This is taken from this question: select salesman.salesmanid, max(sales.quantity) from salesman inner join sales on salesman.salesmanid =sa...

Controlling Hibernate's generated subselect

Consider the following three Hibernate entities: public class Car { @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) private List<Wheel> wheels; } public class Wheel { @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) private Hubcap hubcap; } public class Hubcap { } Consider the following Criteria: Criteria criteria = ...

Converting a HQL-query which includes elements() to Criteria API

I'm having trouble converting the following HQL-query to Criteria API and I was wondering if I could get some help from you guys SELECT child FROM Foo AS child WHERE child IN (SELECT elements(obj.foos) FROM Bar AS obj WHERE = ?) In other words, I want to fetch all Foos that Bar references to in the instance of Bar whose id ...

Criteria query with restriction across a joined subclass problem

I have the following graph: OrderLine OrderLineExtension OrderLineExtensionA OrderLineExtensionB OrderLineExtensionC OrderLine contains a Set of OrderLineExtension. OrderLineExtension is defined as : @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) and is marked as an entity and is abstract A table is creat...

NHibernate criteria query help

Hello Given the following tables, I am trying to return all Allocations for a given Resource's that fall between a given range of dates using a criteria query: create table Resources ( ResourceId integer, ResourceName TEXT not null, BusinessId TEXT not null, OrganizationName TEXT not null, primary key (ResourceId) ) c...

NHibernate Join and Restriction Criteria

Hi, Im trying to write an NHibernate criteria that effectively joins and restricts at the same time. My DB looks like this... Cases ---> CustomerProducts <--- Customers Cases ---> CaseStatuses Each case is associated with a customer product (Many cases to one product). Each customer has a number of customer products (One customer has...

NHibernate : Count childrens' children

I have an entity type A. Which has many B's. The B entity has many C's. I need to count how many C's does an A entity have. How can this be done using NHibernate Criteria API? Using LINQ to NHibernate I was unable to get results since it throws an exception (see this question) ...

ASP.NET C# Search XML Node on multiple criteria

I am trying to search for an xml node: <Countries> <Country FullName="AFRIQUE DU SUD" Code="ZA" IsOut="1" /> <Country FullName="ALLEMAGNE" Code="DE" IsOut="0" /> </Countries> Selecting on the basis of CountryCode only: xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//Countries/Country/@[Code='ZA']"); How do I also apply the condition so that I can c...

Criteria API returns a too small resultset

How is this possible, I have to following criteria Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(c); criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("active",true)); List list = criteria.list(); The size of list is now 20. If I add a max results to the criteria, Criteria criteria = getSes...

(Lazy) LEFT OUTER JOIN using the Hibernate Criteria API

Hi all, I want to perform a LEFT OUTER JOIN between two tables using the Criteria API. All I could find in the Hibernate documentation is this method: Criteria criteria = this.crudService .initializeCriteria(Applicant.class) .setFetchMode("products", FetchMode.JOIN) .createAlias("products", "product"...